Hello, New Minecraft player here

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So I was invited to play a Direwolf20 and a Infinity evolve server which are for 1.7.10 and modded, and I have no clue how to play Minecraft in general let alone survival maps... Anyone able to direct me or give me some advice?


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
Welcome to the forums, mate.

As for guidance, I recommend heading over to the official wiki, here: http://ftb.gamepedia.com/FTB_Wiki where you can definitely find some good guides for individual mods. For general guidance on a modpack, the best thing to do is watch a letsplay. Someone like Direwolf20 is absolutely golden for teaching less experienced players like yourself through playing, so give him a lookup on youtube.

If there's anything else you need, do say. We try to be a welcoming place here :D
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Youtube, lots of youtube.

as regular minecraft gives you no real hints to how basic crafting is done you might want to start with tutorials on how the basic recipes and game progression of un-modded minecraft goes. Once you are familiar with the basics then you might be OK to jump into some modded minecraft. Most Modded minecraft uses a tool called NEI where you can just search any item and look how it's made. Each mod has it's own progression and way of doing things so you'll jsut have to learn them bit by bit.