- In-Game Name:Rafmaninoff
- Real Age:15
- Why Do You Want To Join:for playing
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods:TOTAL
- Do You Agree To The Rules:yep
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds:Quarrywater!
Welcome to HMC! The server will have a website asap!btw, does the server have a website? (and if so, whats the adress?)
- In-Game Name: daan2202
- Real Age: 15
- Why Do You Want To Join: I Would like to give this new pack a try, and to me the best way to do so (as I see it) is to start with a fresh new server and its community!
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: in total more then 1,5 years of experience with FTB, also a few months tekkit.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: I agree to any and all rules.
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: placing water into a running qaury, I always used to do so to prevent it from becoming a huge lava pool, but if its not alowd I'll just use pumps.
Welcome to HMC, enjoy your stay.
- In-Game Name: Sandro0802
- Real Age: 16
- Why Do You Want To Join: I'm looking for a server with a good community and not too many restrictions. Also I hope this server won't be down a lot like other FTB servers.
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I've been playing FTB since Mindcrack/Direwolf/Ultimate and before that I played tekkit, so I am pretty experienced I know most of the mods.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Yes I do,
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Don't Put Water In Your Quarries
Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay at HMC.In-Game Name: davitkikoria
Real Age: 17
Why Do You Want To Join: I'm looking for a small community to play with
What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I'm new with modded MC and hoping to learn as I go.
Do You Agree To The Rules: Yes
Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Putting water in quarries.
Welcome to HMC, enjoy your stay!
- In-Game Name: ryr1124
- Real Age: 30
- Why Do You Want To Join: I enjoy playing with others, more incentive to build nice grand structures
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: Experienced with almost all DW20 mods, I am quite clueless about Ars Magica 2 though
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Yes
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Water in Quarries will corrupt worlds, nobody wants that!
Just restarted the server.Server down
We do not have TeamSpeak at the time, need donations to pay for the server hosting bill and to get out server teamspeak and web hosting.
- In-Game Name: DarnChaCha
- Real Age: 20
- Why Do You Want To Join: Looking for a server that's just starting up, I am always intimidated by a well established server. (Also my first ever attempt at a white list server)
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I Honestly am only experienced with the early game stuff when it comes to tech (No Nuclear experience o- o" it scares me.) the only mods I know extensively are Ars Magika 2, Thaumcraft, and Project Red.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Most Defiantly
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Apparently water in quarries. Shame to, I Hate mining obsidian.
Also question, do you have a teamspeak?
Welcome to HMC, enjoy your stay.
- In-Game Name:Rafmaninoff
- Real Age:15
- Why Do You Want To Join:for playing
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods:TOTAL
- Do You Agree To The Rules:yep
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds:Quarrywater!
Welcome to the server, enjoy your stay!
- In-Game Name: WildStarOrion
- Real Age: 38
- Why Do You Want To Join: Looking for a place to start over again and have fun
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: Been playing FTB since it became available. Played Tekkit before that. I like the Direwolf set of mods. he tends to have the mods I like to play.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Of course
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Water in a Quarry as everyone else has said.
Welcome to the server! I hope you enjoy your stay.
- In-Game Name: DarnChaCha
- Real Age: 20
- Why Do You Want To Join: Looking for a server that's just starting up, I am always intimidated by a well established server. (Also my first ever attempt at a white list server)
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I Honestly am only experienced with the early game stuff when it comes to tech (No Nuclear experience o- o" it scares me.) the only mods I know extensively are Ars Magika 2, Thaumcraft, and Project Red.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Most Defiantly
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Apparently water in quarries. Shame to, I Hate mining obsidian.
Also question, do you have a teamspeak?
Alright, thanks for the notice!Hey, Just so you know i won't be able to play on the server until i get my new RAM for my computer (It says it will be delivered between Wednesday and friday) because the RAM i have installed in my computer at the moment is causing massive insatiability and the game crashes every 10 minutes.
Looks like you just copied ChaCha's answer for the last question, and he also asked if we have TeamSpeak, in the same way. Sorry, denied, looks to be that you just copied other applications.* In-Game Name: Dhkirby
* Real Age: 33
* Why Do You Want To Join: Looking for a nice server to play on.
* What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I have a decent amount with all mods. I play a lot of single player have yet to be on a real established server! Looking for fun with others.
* Do You Agree To The Rules: Most Defiantly
* Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Apparently water in quarries. Shame to, I Hate mining obsidian.
Also question, do you have a teamspeak? Yes I do.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Welcome to HMC! Enjoy your stay.
- In-Game Name: Icecoldkilli (made it when I was 15 don't ask haha)
- Real Age: 18
- Why Do You Want To Join: I like the feeling of being in a community of people that enjoy doing the same things that I do.
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I played tekkit for a few months before feed the beast came out and then switched over and have been playing many of the mod packs uploaded onto the launcher since then.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Yes
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Water in the Quarries.
Sorry, forgot to white-list you, added.still says i'm not whitelisted, my IGN is like the one i put on my application:
Welcome to HMC! Enjoy your stay!
- In-Game Name: EliteCoder01
- Real Age: 23
- Why Do You Want To Join: I'm looking for a server that has a good staff and community.
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I have experience with the mods since Minecraft 1.4.x.
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Yes
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Putting water in quarries.
Welcome to HMC, enjoy your stay!
- In-Game Name: datafox
- Real Age: 18, soon to be 19
- Why Do You Want To Join: I'm looking for a nice whitelisted server with a friendly community to play on, got tired of public servers back in the good old Tekkit days
- What Experience Do You Have With Mods: I can use most of the features of most of the mods in the current DW20 pack, and I'm fluent with many of them
- Do You Agree To The Rules: Yes I do
- Which One Of The Rules Will Corrupt Worlds: Water in quarries