Whitelist Server HavenCraft 'Reborn' | CLOSED | Archive

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Age: 21
In-game Name: Germanko
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I can help to other members with my experience
Why do you want to join us?: I'm looking for europe server with mindcrack pack :)
Do you have any previous bans?: no.
If answered yes, how come?: ...
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Yes I'm playing it for 2 months now
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: server restart
What is your secret code?: 75
Age: 18
In-game Name: JoOsepstein
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes I have read them and i understand all on them.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Because I am friendly nad helpful. I might bring some friends with me but i can't guarantee that
Why do you want to join us?: I am trying to relearn all of this, because i have previously played on Tekkit servers. I have tried to play on another servers but I haven't fount the right one yet, but this server seems to be the one.
Do you have any previous bans?: Nope
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I have played little bit of FTB. I used to play on Tekkit servers, but then FTB came out and i started playing this.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because server restarts.
What is your secret code?:1015
We've set up a worldborder of 3000 blocks. If you move away MORE then 3000 blocks, you WILL be teleported back to the spawn. Please set a waypoint at your first spawn to creep track of your distance.
Age: 18
In-game Name: Reilock
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: i'm a friendly guy who likes to make new friends and i hope by joining this server i can find a server where i can call it 'home'. I play by the rules and stick with it and thus i have 0 record of getting ban.
Why do you want to join us?: i've been looking for a server where i can stick around and meet new friends instead of jumping from server to server and playing alone :( so i hope this server can provide me with that community ^^
Do you have any previous bans?: Nada the dude's good :)
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: some of them from tekkit but not all
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: server restart
What is your secret code?: 185
Age: 16
In-game Name: Ianwatts
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes I have!
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: I'm a nice guy, always ready to help. I wanna also find some new guys to play with .
Why do you want to join us?: Because I was serching a Europen Mindcrack FTB server, and this one seems very good. I don't know much of the mods and I hope I'll learn something more with you.
Do you have any previous bans?: Nope.
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I play FTB a lot, but I know only the basic of some mods.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Beacuse of the server restarting
What is your secret code?: 91
Age: 13 (but I can control myself)
In-game Name: zeeks1000
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes, I have read and completely understand the rules.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: You should whitelist me because I am a creative and useful member who enjoys playing in a community, I may not have much experience in Feed the Beast but I will be an asset to the server.
Why do you want to join us?: As stated above I enjoy playing in a community and haven't played in a nice server in a long time.
Do you have any previous bans?: Not that I am aware of or can remember
If answered yes, how come?: N/A
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I have moderate experience with the mods but am always open for improvement.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: I would probably get kicked every two hours due to the fact that the server needs to restart at a 2 hour interval.
What is your secret code?: 26/5

PS: I was wondering what type of feed the beast the server is, (eg. Beta pack A etc.)
Age: 31
In-game Name: Popparay
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: yes
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Friendly chilled out chap with plenty of experience always willing to offer a helping hand, I have Ran and moderated several servers so I know how tough it is for you admin folk so you won't get any complaints from me :)
Why do you want to join us?: You look like a decent setup, good staff, well made OP and based in Europe. Everything I need.
Do you have any previous bans?: none
If answered yes, how come?:
Do you have any experience with the mods?: Been playing modded Minecraft since the first IC and played with nearly all of them :P
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: The server restart
What is your secret code?:1615

Thanks for Reading :)
Haha, so I was playing on the server, and I looked at an enderman because I wanted to kill it. I look him in the eyes, and suddenly, the server stopped for a restart! Lmfao, cracked me up
Hey, did I ever get accepted?
Posted my application some time ago and you said you couldn't fit more people in, what about now?
I'll copy-paste it here to save you some trouble.

Age: 16 (Actually 17 by the 19th) -- Already 17.
In-game Name: yodukie
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: Yes.
Motivate us why we should whitelist you: Well don't really have anything that special to offer, I'm your normal guy, though I can be a good member, helpful/friendly, and overral like to interact with people, but also like my own space. And I can make cookies, uh, uh?
Why do you want to join us?: I'm really looking for a good server that has some potential to last more than a couple weeks, like some old unfortunate experiences.
Do you have any previous bans?: No.
If answered yes, how come?: ---
Do you have any experience with the mods?: I do, but never really played on a server for long enough to actually experience the mods fully on SMP, only SSP.
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: Because the server would restart and I'd need a break anyway ^_^.
What is your secret code?: 2515
Age: 21
In-game Name: deathtokiller
Have you fully read and understood the rules?: yes i understand the rules
Motivate us why we should white list you: I enjoy playing on servers. im a very good builder and im decent at machinery. plus im very chatty.
Why do you want to join us?: this server looks nice and i want to try out the minecrack mod pack.
Do you have any previous bans?: only by admin mistake and corruption
Do you have any experience with the mods?: most of the mods i know of but some (thaumcraft and the actual trains mod) i wont have any experience of
P.S Why would you get kicked every 2hrs?: server restart
What is your secret code?:35