Has anyone already chugged the numbers for MFR steam boiler fuel efficiency?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Does anyone know the conversion efficiency of MFR steam boilers? (The steam turbine is easy - just a flat rate. (80mB steam / tick -> 160RF/t)) The steam boiler, not so much.

It seems to me like "feathering" the boiler (not burning fuel constantly) makes it more efficient, as it burns more fuel when hotter but doesn't seem to output any more steam.

I'd be interested to see what the numbers come out to be. And if no-one has chugged the numbers I might do so myself.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Answer: a whole lot. 5 steam turbines connected to a steam boiler, with gates set up to let one coal block in whenever there's both not a coal block in the system and there isn't space for water, and I'm getting ~2.25 million RF / coal block. (20579360 - 18330560, and at a cycle time of ~3 minutes - works out to an average power level of ~625 RF/t) For comparison, a survivalist generator gets 800 thousand RF / coal block. And the scary part is that the theoretical limit is even higher.

(It's hard to get the theoretical limit though. You have to be able to add fuel at exactly the right heat level, which isn't exactly easy, as I haven't found anything able to get the current heat level.)

Can someone double-check my numbers please? These seem absurd.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Production: 400 mb/t of steam, at all temperatures past 100
Usage: Not as much as the Railcraft steam boiler, seems to be a very small amount
So basically 5 of these could power the largest big reactor turbine, with only a simple tree farm