Oh are you speaking of UHC mode? Where you only gain health from potions or gold apples? If so there is a command you can type in, dont need any mods at all, just a couple commands in the console or while oped on the server.
Here is what you need to type in:
Run these comamnds as OP as you setup the server
The only need to be ran once and are not player specific
//add "playing" team
/scoreboard teams add Playing
//add death counter
/scoreboard objectives add Deaths deathCount Deaths
//Turn off health regen
/gamerule naturalRegeneration false
//Turn of day/night cycle
/gamerule doDaylightCycle false
//Set time of day to noon
/time set 8000
//Tracks players health in the tab menu
/scoreboard objectives add trackHealth health
/scoreboard objectives setdisplay list trackHealth
/* Build a clock that tests for these constantly */
/tp @p[m=0,r=50,team=!Playing] 0 [height of Obelisk] 0
/scoreboard teams leave Playing @a[score_Deaths_min=1]
Put these commands in commands blocks for the Oblesisk to activate
There are 8 commands so these go in each of the comamnds blocks in the command ring
//Clear death count
/scoreboard players set @a Deaths 0
//Add all playres to be playing
/scoreboard teams join Playing @a
//Set into desired difficulty,
/difficulty [1,2,3]
//Set gamemode to survival
/gamemode 0 @a
//Set spawn to center of map
/spawnpoint @a 0 [height of obelisk] 0
//Clear players inventory
/clear @a
//Give compass. This lets players always navigate to the center of the map
/give @a 345
//Heal Players to full
/effect @a 6 1 4
//Spread players: x z min_spread range respect_teams players. (- 50) to account for wall shadow)
/spreadplayers 0 0 400 [radius - 50] false @a
//Starting message
/say §2 "The games have become! Remember, you are either the hunter, or the hunted. Best of luck!"
Here are some text tips for an additional command ring to fire after the first one has
/say "Here are some tips:"
/say "1) Press tab at anytime to see everyone's health (/20)"
/say "2) If you feel ready to PvP, head to the center!"
/say "3) Hold right click with your sword to block incoming damage"