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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
2015-01-07 07:57:23 [SEVERE] [FZ] GL Error @ FZ -- after barrel display list; does the item have an advanced renderer?
2015-01-07 07:57:23 [SEVERE] [FZ] 1282: Invalid operation
2015-01-07 07:57:23 [SEVERE] [FZ] The item is: 0xtile.chest@0
2015-01-07 07:57:23 [SEVERE] [FZ] At: (148, 57, 243) BlockFactorization tile.null TileEntityDayBarrel
2015-01-07 07:57:23 [SEVERE] [FZ] GL Error @ FZ -- before barrel display list update. Someone left us a mess!
2015-01-07 07:57:23 [SEVERE] [FZ] 1284: Stack underflow
I keep getting this error but with different barrel locations. It causes my client to crash when i start up or go near the barrel(s), but my friend doesn't have this issue. Everytime I get this error my friend takes out the item in the barrel that is causing it and it'll be fine but if i close Minecraft and try to join the server again I get another error with the barrels different item different location. Is there something i can do other than having to wait for him to remove all the items that are making me crash? I've tried a complete uninstall/reinstall and even reinstalled/downgraded/upgraded my Javas.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
It might be your java. You m ust fully uninstall the java since it may sometimes regenerate files. Delete it with cmd prompt to be sure, and tell your friend to break the barrels and replace them. That might help


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I figured out a fix for it. It had to do something with my texture pack. I had to use the vanilla texture pack, get in game, find the barrel item then remove it. After I removed it I could switch back to my texture pack without crashing.