What text editor are you using? If its Notepad++ check if theres any Red text. Last common mistake is that tab is used instead of spaces. YAML insists you use 4 spaces to replace a tab.
yes i use notepad++ no there is no red text in any of my lines.What text editor are you using? If its Notepad++ check if theres any Red text. Last common mistake is that tab is used instead of spaces. YAML insists you use 4 spaces to replace a tab.
the config provided is the one i uploaded and on reboot resulted in a reset to default settings, there are no errors that show on startup or during normal day to day operation from this plugin.I forget to ask. Can you state out the exact symptoms of your problem? The list of unprotected items or the list of protected items, whichever shorter. Also check the console for any errors shown.
the config provided is the one i uploaded and on reboot resulted in a reset to default settings, there are no errors that show on startup or during normal day to day operation from this plugin.
the exact symptoms are well there are none except when i modify the config for grief prevention, upload it to the server and reboot all changes that i make do not stay... it simply resets to defaults and i have no idea why because there is no errors that output from the plugin. i have contacted the developer of the plugin as it may be an issue with the version im using that was fixed in another so if u might have an idea ill give it a go if not ill wait for what the dev has to say about the issue. thank you kindly darkdestry
2013-04-19 11:16:35 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Error: Claims Configuration: There's no world named "overworld". Please update your config.yml.
2013-04-19 11:16:35 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Error: Claims Configuration: There's no world named "twilight_forest". Please update your config.yml.
2013-04-19 11:16:35 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "overworld". Please update your config.yml.
2013-04-19 11:16:35 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "the_end". Please update your config.yml.
2013-04-19 11:16:35 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "twilight_forest". Please update your config.yml.
2013-04-19 11:16:35 [INFO] GriefPrevention: Error: PvP Configuration: There's no world named "nether". Please update your config.yml.
McMMO only ignored the config when i had a bad config. Same goes when I had GP set up wrong. Nothing works but things are still there. Anyways go look in that post earlier and see if there is any mistakes. I cant find any at all.
world: -1
world_twilightforest: -1
world_the_end: -1
world_nether: -1
world_myst\age3: -1
ChestClaimDays: 7
UnusedClaimDays: 14
AllClaimDays: 0
SurvivalWorlds: false
CreativeWorlds: true
- world
- world_twilightforest
- world_the_end
- world_nether
- world_myst\age12
- world_myst\age8
CreativeRulesWorlds: []
PreventTheft: true
ProtectCreatures: true
PreventButtonsSwitches: true
LockWoodenDoors: false
LockTrapDoors: false
LockFenceGates: true
EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true
InitialBlocks: 100
BlocksAccruedPerHour: 100
MaxAccruedBlocks: 80000
AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4
ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 5
CreationRequiresPermission: false
MinimumSize: 10
MaximumDepth: 0
IdleLimitDays: 0
TrappedCommandCooldownHours: 8
InvestigationTool: STICK
ModificationTool: GOLD_SPADE
NoSurvivalBuildingOutsideClaims: false
WarnWhenBuildingOutsideClaims: true
AllowUnclaimingCreativeModeLand: true
AutoRestoreUnclaimedCreativeLand: true
Enabled: true
LoginCooldownMinutes: 2
MonitorSlashCommands: /me;/tell;/global;/local
WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be banned.
BanOffenders: true
BanMessage: Banned for spam.
DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 60
- world
- world_twilightforest
- world_the_end
- world_nether
- world_myst\age12
- world_myst\age8
ProtectFreshSpawns: true
PunishLogout: true
CombatTimeoutSeconds: 15
AllowCombatItemDrop: false
BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa
PlayerOwnedClaims: true
AdministrativeClaims: true
RemoveFloatingTreetops: true
RegrowGriefedTrees: true
ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0
ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0
BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: true
BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: true
LimitSurfaceWaterBuckets: true
LimitSkyTrees: true
FireSpreads: false
FireDestroys: false
AddItemsToClaimedChests: true
EavesdropEnabled: false
WhisperCommands: /tell;/pm;/r
SmartBan: true
Worlds: []
EndermenMoveBlocks: false
SilverfishBreakBlocks: false
CreaturesTrampleCrops: false
HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: false
URL: ''
UserName: ''
Password: ''
BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: []
- 227:*:Battery Box
- 130:*:Transmutation Tablet
- 128:*:Alchemical Chest and Energy Condenser
- 181:*:Various Chests
- 178:*:Ender Chest
- 150:*:Various BuildCraft Gadgets
- 155:*:Filler
- 157:*:Builder
- 158:*:Template Drawing Table
- 126:*:Various EE Gadgets
- 138:*:Various RedPower Gadgets
- 137:*:BuildCraft Project Table and Furnaces
- 250:*:Various IC2 Machines
- 161:*:BuildCraft Engines
- 169:*:Automatic Crafting Table
- 177:*:Wireless Components
- 183:*:Solar Arrays
- 187:*:Charging Benches
- 188:*:More IC2 Machines
- 190:*:Generators, Fabricators, Strainers
- 194:*:More Gadgets
- 207:*:Computer
- 208:*:Computer Peripherals
- 246:*:IC2 Generators
- 24303:*:Teleport Pipe
- 24304:*:Waterproof Teleport Pipe
- 24305:*:Power Teleport Pipe
- 4311:*:Diamond Sorting Pipe
- 216:*:Turtle
- 248:4:Exo-modder
- 500:*:achitect table
- 501:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 502:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 503:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 504:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 506:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 507:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 509:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 517:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 518:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 580:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 608:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 611:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 617:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 618:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 623:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 624:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 645:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 650:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 665:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 680:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 681:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 682:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 684:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 685:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 686:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 687:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 690:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 702:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 720:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 725:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 750:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 761:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 763:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 764:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 765:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 755:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 756:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 850:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 901:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 902:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 905:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 906:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 907:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 925:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 927:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 928:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 932:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 938:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 939:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 942:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 950:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 952:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 962:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 963:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 964:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 965:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 975:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1000:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1053:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1054:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1055:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1075:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1080:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1085:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1150:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1200:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1225:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1226:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1227:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1228:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1229:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1230:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1252:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1275:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1277:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1278:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1280:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1285:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1289:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1402:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1403:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1404:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1411:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1476:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1517:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1560:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1603:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1604:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1609:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1614:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 1616:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2002:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2005:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2006:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2007:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2008:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2009:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2510:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2511:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2512:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2727:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2728:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2729:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2850:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2851:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2852:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2853:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2855:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2875:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2876:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2878:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2879:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2880:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2881:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 2882:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 3120:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 3131:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 506:*:BuildCraft Engines
- 624:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 611:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 613:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 617:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 618:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 622:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 645:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 702:*:Nuclear Reactor
- 720:*:Nuclear Reactor
PlayersIgnoringAllClaims: []
thanks very much greed, works flawlessly now.Oke Tro11C1ient, ive done some magic and found your issue, its your config.
What i did to confirm this. coppy pasted your config in my server localy and i got the same issue, it resets the config.
How i fixed the problem:
I added 1 enter at the bottom of the page
And i added text after ALL of the item ID's, so no more 661:*: ...
Once i did those things it worked perfectly.
Gone test out witch of the two is now exactly the problem creates.
Oke i can confirm now that is is in fact that you dind add text behind the lines that is making it reset.
This config works, i tested it myself.
You will need to edit our the "Nuclear Reactor" and change it with the correct nameJust used it to test it out.
Code:GriefPrevention: SeaLevelOverrides: world: -1 world_twilightforest: -1 world_the_end: -1 world_nether: -1 world_myst\age3: -1 Claims: Expiration: ChestClaimDays: 7 UnusedClaimDays: 14 AllClaimDays: 0 AutomaticNatureRestoration: SurvivalWorlds: false CreativeWorlds: true Worlds: - world - world_twilightforest - world_the_end - world_nether - world_myst\age12 - world_myst\age8 CreativeRulesWorlds: [] PreventTheft: true ProtectCreatures: true PreventButtonsSwitches: true LockWoodenDoors: false LockTrapDoors: false LockFenceGates: true EnderPearlsRequireAccessTrust: true InitialBlocks: 100 BlocksAccruedPerHour: 100 MaxAccruedBlocks: 80000 AutomaticNewPlayerClaimsRadius: 4 ExtendIntoGroundDistance: 5 CreationRequiresPermission: false MinimumSize: 10 MaximumDepth: 0 IdleLimitDays: 0 TrappedCommandCooldownHours: 8 InvestigationTool: STICK ModificationTool: GOLD_SPADE NoSurvivalBuildingOutsideClaims: false WarnWhenBuildingOutsideClaims: true AllowUnclaimingCreativeModeLand: true AutoRestoreUnclaimedCreativeLand: true Spam: Enabled: true LoginCooldownMinutes: 2 MonitorSlashCommands: /me;/tell;/global;/local WarningMessage: Please reduce your noise level. Spammers will be banned. BanOffenders: true BanMessage: Banned for spam. AllowedIpAddresses:; DeathMessageCooldownSeconds: 60 PvP: Worlds: - world - world_twilightforest - world_the_end - world_nether - world_myst\age12 - world_myst\age8 ProtectFreshSpawns: true PunishLogout: true CombatTimeoutSeconds: 15 AllowCombatItemDrop: false BlockedSlashCommands: /home;/vanish;/spawn;/tpa ProtectPlayersInLandClaims: PlayerOwnedClaims: true AdministrativeClaims: true Trees: RemoveFloatingTreetops: true RegrowGriefedTrees: true Economy: ClaimBlocksPurchaseCost: 0.0 ClaimBlocksSellValue: 0.0 BlockSurfaceCreeperExplosions: true BlockSurfaceOtherExplosions: true LimitSurfaceWaterBuckets: true LimitSkyTrees: true FireSpreads: false FireDestroys: false AddItemsToClaimedChests: true EavesdropEnabled: false WhisperCommands: /tell;/pm;/r SmartBan: true Siege: Worlds: [] BreakableBlocks: - DIRT - GRASS - LONG_GRASS - COBBLESTONE - GRAVEL - SAND - GLASS - THIN_GLASS - WOOD - WOOL - SNOW EndermenMoveBlocks: false SilverfishBreakBlocks: false CreaturesTrampleCrops: false HardModeZombiesBreakDoors: false Database: URL: '' UserName: '' Password: '' Mods: BlockIdsRequiringAccessTrust: [] BlockIdsRequiringContainerTrust: - 227:*:Battery Box - 130:*:Transmutation Tablet - 128:*:Alchemical Chest and Energy Condenser - 181:*:Various Chests - 178:*:Ender Chest - 150:*:Various BuildCraft Gadgets - 155:*:Filler - 157:*:Builder - 158:*:Template Drawing Table - 126:*:Various EE Gadgets - 138:*:Various RedPower Gadgets - 137:*:BuildCraft Project Table and Furnaces - 250:*:Various IC2 Machines - 161:*:BuildCraft Engines - 169:*:Automatic Crafting Table - 177:*:Wireless Components - 183:*:Solar Arrays - 187:*:Charging Benches - 188:*:More IC2 Machines - 190:*:Generators, Fabricators, Strainers - 194:*:More Gadgets - 207:*:Computer - 208:*:Computer Peripherals - 246:*:IC2 Generators - 24303:*:Teleport Pipe - 24304:*:Waterproof Teleport Pipe - 24305:*:Power Teleport Pipe - 4311:*:Diamond Sorting Pipe - 216:*:Turtle - 248:4:Exo-modder - 500:*:achitect table - 501:*:Nuclear Reactor - 502:*:Nuclear Reactor - 503:*:Nuclear Reactor - 504:*:Nuclear Reactor - 506:*:Nuclear Reactor - 507:*:Nuclear Reactor - 509:*:Nuclear Reactor - 517:*:Nuclear Reactor - 518:*:Nuclear Reactor - 580:*:Nuclear Reactor - 608:*:Nuclear Reactor - 611:*:Nuclear Reactor - 617:*:Nuclear Reactor - 618:*:Nuclear Reactor - 623:*:Nuclear Reactor - 624:*:Nuclear Reactor - 645:*:Nuclear Reactor - 650:*:Nuclear Reactor - 665:*:Nuclear Reactor - 680:*:Nuclear Reactor - 681:*:Nuclear Reactor - 682:*:Nuclear Reactor - 684:*:Nuclear Reactor - 685:*:Nuclear Reactor - 686:*:Nuclear Reactor - 687:*:Nuclear Reactor - 690:*:Nuclear Reactor - 702:*:Nuclear Reactor - 720:*:Nuclear Reactor - 725:*:Nuclear Reactor - 750:*:Nuclear Reactor - 761:*:Nuclear Reactor - 763:*:Nuclear Reactor - 764:*:Nuclear Reactor - 765:*:Nuclear Reactor - 755:*:Nuclear Reactor - 756:*:Nuclear Reactor - 850:*:Nuclear Reactor - 901:*:Nuclear Reactor - 902:*:Nuclear Reactor - 905:*:Nuclear Reactor - 906:*:Nuclear Reactor - 907:*:Nuclear Reactor - 925:*:Nuclear Reactor - 927:*:Nuclear Reactor - 928:*:Nuclear Reactor - 932:*:Nuclear Reactor - 938:*:Nuclear Reactor - 939:*:Nuclear Reactor - 942:*:Nuclear Reactor - 950:*:Nuclear Reactor - 952:*:Nuclear Reactor - 962:*:Nuclear Reactor - 963:*:Nuclear Reactor - 964:*:Nuclear Reactor - 965:*:Nuclear Reactor - 975:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1000:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1053:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1054:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1055:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1075:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1080:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1085:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1150:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1200:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1225:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1226:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1227:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1228:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1229:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1230:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1252:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1275:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1277:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1278:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1280:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1285:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1289:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1402:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1403:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1404:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1411:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1476:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1517:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1560:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1603:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1604:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1609:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1614:*:Nuclear Reactor - 1616:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2002:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2005:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2006:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2007:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2008:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2009:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2510:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2511:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2512:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2727:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2728:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2729:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2850:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2851:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2852:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2853:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2855:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2875:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2876:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2878:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2879:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2880:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2881:*:Nuclear Reactor - 2882:*:Nuclear Reactor - 3120:*:Nuclear Reactor - 3131:*:Nuclear Reactor BlockIdsExplodable: - 506:*:BuildCraft Engines - 624:*:Nuclear Reactor - 611:*:Nuclear Reactor - 613:*:Nuclear Reactor - 617:*:Nuclear Reactor - 618:*:Nuclear Reactor - 622:*:Nuclear Reactor - 645:*:Nuclear Reactor - 702:*:Nuclear Reactor - 720:*:Nuclear Reactor PlayersIgnoringAllClaims: []
CONSOLE: [INFO] Attempted to place a tile entity (soaryn.xycraft.machines.block.multiblock.TileMultiCopy@60f9519) at 233,98,-98 (REDPOWERWORLD_STONE) where there was no entity tile!
CONSOLE: [INFO] Chunk coordinates: 224,-112
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] java.lang.Exception
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at zz.a(Chunk.java:1086)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at zz.a(Chunk.java:1050)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at aam.loadEntities(AnvilChunkLoader.java:509)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(ChunkIOProvider.java:44)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.chunkio.ChunkIOProvider.callStage2(ChunkIOProvider.java:10)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.util.AsynchronousExecutor$Task.finish(AsynchronousExecutor.java:179)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.util.AsynchronousExecutor.finishActive(AsynchronousExecutor.java:287)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at org.bukkit.craftbukkit.v1_4_R1.chunkio.ChunkIOExecutor.tick(ChunkIOExecutor.java:26)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.r(MinecraftServer.java:907)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at ho.r(DedicatedServer.java:309)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.q(MinecraftServer.java:857)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at net.minecraft.server.MinecraftServer.run(MinecraftServer.java:744)
CONSOLE: [SEVERE] at fy.run(ThreadMinecraftServer.java:16)