gregtech in 1.7.10?

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Brian Cherrick

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2013
I am using dw's pack. I added a few to it, gregtech being one of them. Yet 10 plus minutes and still loading. Gt in 1.6.4 wasn't this bad, so what could be wrong now? I only have 4gb dedicated to ftb, would more help this monster load?
I just wanted to add confirmation for CP's comments. Especially the first time loading, 10-15 minutes is not unheard of, and always worst with Binnie's included.
I just wanted to add confirmation for CP's comments. Especially the first time loading, 10-15 minutes is not unheard of, and always worst with Binnie's included.

The new version of Binnie's fixes it. I run the following combo on my server, and it has normal (non-slow) loading times for any GT pack:


It takes just a few minutes to load on my i4590s server. My i4790k client has similar loading times.

Note that any pack with GT will take longer to load than almost any non-GT pack. Your DW20-based pack may not have updated Binnie's. And, if you're looking for a polished 1.7.10 GT-based pack, look at Infitech2.
I got one problem taken care of for it. But I am getting a "connection lost: timed out" error when trying to break a block on a server with GT enabled. The only recourse is to reboot the server so it "kicks" me off. What exactly would I check for in my log to see what the issue is that could be keeping me from connecting, and staying connecting ?
I got one problem taken care of for it. But I am getting a "connection lost: timed out" error when trying to break a block on a server with GT enabled. The only recourse is to reboot the server so it "kicks" me off. What exactly would I check for in my log to see what the issue is that could be keeping me from connecting, and staying connecting ?

Hmm...assuming the server is not on the other side of the world and/or your Internet connection is fine, it sounds like a client/server "network" sync. issue. There's a substantial amount of Minecraft and Forge code that keeps clients and servers in sync. If they get too far out of sync., the algorithm can't recover and you'll get the "connection lost : timed out" error.

Are you running the exact same Forge version and GT versions on your client and server ? Also, are the libraries the same ?

I've learned through error that the only reliable way to build a client/server matched pair is to use a single "master" and copy the master to both the client and the server. And, whenever I do an upgrade or new install, I need to start from scratch. Otherwise, I may be picking up old libraries or other .jar files.

If you haven't already, wipe your server's minecraft folder clean of everything except for the base files like:

  • bannned-ips.json
  • bannned-players.json
  • eula.txt
  • ops.json
  • usercache.json
  • usernames.json
  • whitelist.json
  • (or whatever script you use to start it)

...and put aside (save) any config files or Minetweaker .zs files you've tweaked. Then, install Forge 1.7.10 on the server, and make sure it's the same Forge as your client.

After you install Forge, boot the server and make sure it boots just basic Forge OK. Then, copy the following files from your 'master' distro (your client):

  • config
  • mods
  • scripts (if you have any)

...and don't copy anything else. The folders like 'libraries', 'reports', 'logs', etc.,. will be self-built by the server .jar files.
And, I'll add a note that keeping a custom modded Minecraft client distro and server distro in sync. is not as easy/quick as it would seem. Even the best pack-makers derp their client and server install packages and publish versions that are incompatible or have major bugs. FTB derps from time to time as well.
And, for debugging purposes, look in your "logs" folder. There are several kinds of files in there. The fml-server-<N>.log and -latest.log files are the most detailed for this kind of issue. They contain more detail than the server console contains. Your client should have a similar log file that will be more detailed than the console.