I'm not sure what the big deal is... I earned all the ruby dust I needed simply from centrifuging redstone. I have a dedicated redstone centrifuge that does nothing else, day and night, without pause. I've already gone through more than a barrel full of redstone this way - yes, more than 64 stacks of 64. And I am still mining so much of the stuff that I have to crate some of it in the carpenter to keep it from clogging up my chests. Rubies are probably responsible for less than a quarter of my chrome production nowadays, the rest is all redstone, and there's absolutely no shortage of it. Plus you get iron from the deal, and liquid mercury for your industrial grinder.
I could easily run more than one centrifuge for burst production, but I honestly don't need to. I've had plenty of mining and other things to do while it produced chrome for me. GregTech forces you to take a step back from the instant gratification gameplay style of "okay I want to build this now now now, and if it takes me more than a minute to fetch the resources and put it into my crafting table it needs to be made cheaper!" and instead asks you to plan ahead and work in parallel. Upgrading your blast furnace is something you do at the same time as working on setting up enough energy supply for your ridiculously hungry matter fabricator, at the same time as mining for emeralds in order to build iridium neutron reflectors for your reactor, at the same time as fencing in, lighting up and expanding a NPC village in order to create more trade opportunities for extra emeralds, at the same time as looking for sheldonite ore in The End to supplement your platinum and iridium stocks, at the same time as running a quarry in the nearby forest so you can have enough bauxite to keep electrolyzing to keep generating hydrogen cells to turn into methane to keep your steam boiler fueled that's running a steam turbine for more EU, and so on and so forth.
It's not really hard. It's just a different approach to playing the game. This approach may not be everyone's cup of tea, and for those people, the DW20 pack exists which ships with Equivalent Exchange instead of GregTech.