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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Greetings to you all! I am Reaku, in some places Reaku-The-Crate, as seen in my icon, and to avoid a long drawn out tale of myself, I am an artist and a gamer, with the occasional urge to want to make something more efficient once in a while.
Joined yesterday, just now making this post, hope to have a good time here.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why hello there. Stay a while, and listen.

You'll fit right in, I'm sure of that. The fact that you seem to value form over function tells me that. Just don't fall prey to the Direworf20 legions who will all but force you to worship their lord of 9x9 housing, and you'll be a popular person here in no time. Maybe not with the rank Popular Member, but that's not how we actually gauge these things, y'know?(may be just me, so take any we I say as a Royal We)
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Why hello there. Stay a while, and listen.

You'll fit right in, I'm sure of that. The fact that you seem to value form over function tells me that. Just don't fall prey to the Direworf20 legions who will all but force you to worship their lord of 9x9 housing, and you'll be a popular person here in no time. Maybe not with the rank Popular Member, but that's not how we actually gauge these things, y'know?(may be just me, so take any we I say as a Royal We)

I tend to follow a grid base on my buildings, but I follow a heavily flexible variation, where 3 is the magic number, meaning 2 open, and 1 closed, makes more sense visually, but it is, like I said, heavily flexible to just about any situation, vertical scaling though is just left to the situation anymore. I've been trying to follow my building designs less, removing my usual OCD with measuring, but still, it's just left down to the situation given to me.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I tend to follow a grid base on my buildings, but I follow a heavily flexible variation, where 3 is the magic number, meaning 2 open, and 1 closed, makes more sense visually, but it is, like I said, heavily flexible to just about any situation, vertical scaling though is just left to the situation anymore. I've been trying to follow my building designs less, removing my usual OCD with measuring, but still, it's just left down to the situation given to me.
As a man with OCD, the 9x9 housing is nice because it is a grid. Easy to fit things in, easy to make navigable houses even if they get sprawling, and above all else, efficient. But I'm breaking myself of these chains I wear. Houses must be efficient. But they need not be ugly. Aesthetically pleasing houses are far too rare in Minecraft. Geometrically pleasing not so much; Direworf20 has done that concept and refined it to an art. A art with no beauty beyond the geometry in his hands, but we are not Direworf20, and we can take his idea and make a artefact. We can take his finger paint and make a masterpiece. We can take his poorly tuned fiddle and play "Devil went down to Georgia" well enough to win that golden fiddle.

And as such, let me tell you... doors should be 2 wide. 1 high doors look ugly, and the 9x9 is stuck with those if one doesn't want it off center, and for a person with OCD(a strong majority of Minecraft players I'm quite sure), that will drive us mad.

OCD is a strange thing, and so is Minecraft. The two were all but made for each other. But a aesthetically pleasing house need not be inefficient. And geometry makes a beautiful house efficient and often does so in strange ways. Take the honeycomb. Hexagonal. Bees are clever. They honeycomb is all the proof one needs of this. I'm trying to think of ways to make hexagonal houses that are quick to build yet smart. Need doors that work on hexagonal angles I fear. But other then that, I can make my new housing style. And bees are wise enough to show us how.

This post brought to you by an Apiarist. Dear gods. Are they all this insane?
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
And as such, let me tell you... doors should be 2 wide. 1 high doors look ugly, and the 9x9 is stuck with those if one doesn't want it off center, and for a person with OCD(a strong majority of Minecraft players I'm quite sure), that will drive us mad.

I used to do this a lot, but I'm slowly trying to get away from it, mostly with 3 being the magic number, really, I should say 2 is the magic number, with 3 being used as a measuring stick through what I'm making, so I can make sections of any shape, which will lead to me being able to use walls for either 1 or 2 doors in any given section, depending on what feels right.

OCD is a strange thing, and so is Minecraft. The two were all but made for each other. But a aesthetically pleasing house need not be inefficient. And geometry makes a beautiful house efficient and often does so in strange ways. Take the honeycomb. Hexagonal. Bees are clever. They honeycomb is all the proof one needs of this. I'm trying to think of ways to make hexagonal houses that are quick to build yet smart. Need doors that work on hexagonal angles I fear. But other then that, I can make my new housing style. And bees are wise enough to show us how.

I've thought about this, then I can't back to the ugly reality of Minecrash (I have bad history with this games stability), and that a diagonal wall isn't that effective, nor is it anything pretty, but that doesn't mean an Octagon can't be used. I've used Octagons to great success, they're very versatile to use, especially in my measuring type, since they're that round shape, you can make nice looking towers from them, and many other things, even if you place one on it's side, you can make a tunnel that looks like a pipe, given the right blocks, mostly steps and slabs, Octagons and this game are a winning combination, Strangely, so are Triangles, at long as there is the main face is the point of entry, and not the point. You could make Hexagons in the same way, but making an entry way at the point would be a nightmare to make look nice, unless, you make the hexagons on their sides, would I think I'll go test out some, but in the end, it's shape is going to resemble that of an uneven Octagon,
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Honeycomb is very efficient resource wise, but one has to make houses that fit it. It's great for grids and not much else. Thankfully, I make grid based houses. If I can get a door that isn't a piston trick, I'll have my grid style houses, and the Borg will be ashamed that they make squares instead of hexagons.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The Honeycomb is very efficient resource wise, but one has to make houses that fit it. It's great for grids and not much else. Thankfully, I make grid based houses. If I can get a door that isn't a piston trick, I'll have my grid style houses, and the Borg will be ashamed that they make squares instead of hexagons.

Yeah, being cost effective is great, though failing that, I turn to Misery Mines! Where I systematically dig out the entirety of a mountain range just for resources! This typically falls under a massive stone mine, something I shouldn't need to worry about since I use more than just stone anymore. The Borg should be ashamed for not using geometries perfect shape, the Trilateral Pyramid!
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