85 Eh, I don't think anyone needs to prove or disprove any theory on the origins of the universe to see the absurdity of it.
Creationism: People have a hard time believing that there is an all-powerful benevolent divine being that created and controls the universe.
Evolution: The probability of all the events required in succession, even over billions of years, (planets forming, life evolving, etc.) is less likely than a tornado picking up all the parts required for a Boeing 747 lying in a field and assembling the plane perfectly.
Any other theory: Just, no.
86 Creationism and evolution could co-exist. Evolution theory is only about how animal species change over time.
And creationism itself (an all powerful entity created our world) isn't that hard to believe :
Right now humans like to simulate everything, so it isn't that far fetched that if we ever get advanced enough to simulate an entire universe (or at least enough to fake the rest of it) that we would do so.
Which should mean that whatever advanced species ends up "living" in that simulation could do the same, where the same could happen, etc,etc and so we dig an endless stream of simulations. And knowing this its fair to say that the chances of us living inside a simulation is bigger than it is to live outside of it. And I think its fair to say that whatever beings that created the simulation can be seen as gods, or at least god like.
Also, for the ones that would say that an infinite amount of simulations would grind the originally one to a hold and thus this isn't possible: That fact doesn't matter. While living inside a simulation you won't notice how long it would take to calculate the next "frame" as the frames are the only thing you experience. It may mean that the beings that originally made it get bored of it and shut it down though.
(actually, I feel that there is a nice plot/story lurking around there. About one of these simulations having a bug or something slowly grinding everything to a halt and one species at the top wanting to shut it down as a result but the beings lower down somehow getting knowledge of this and are thus doing everything in their power to fix it.)