70 already got a working prototype of the internal structure. (yes, that includes something that runs it)
Well, before I broke it by adding a counter command, though that may just be the structure I use.
It has support for "datalines". This is implemented by each command being able to make references to other code blocks.
It has an jump. This is how loops and if's work internally, user won't have to worry about those.
It has an if. If an expression is true->continue, else jump. And thanks to the jump this can also be used for while loops.
I'm currently working on a block that works as a counter, this will make for loops possible.
Well, before I broke it by adding a counter command, though that may just be the structure I use.
It has support for "datalines". This is implemented by each command being able to make references to other code blocks.
It has an jump. This is how loops and if's work internally, user won't have to worry about those.
It has an if. If an expression is true->continue, else jump. And thanks to the jump this can also be used for while loops.
I'm currently working on a block that works as a counter, this will make for loops possible.