Goldberg Machine - Your Ideas!

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I had thought of a somewhat trivial power generation technique, that is rather rube goldberg-esque, but nowhere near enough steps.

Whimsical power setup:

Automated bee apiaries using bees with regular flowers and high pollination rate.

Use an intermittent water source to harvest the produced flowers and send to a collection method.

Pulverize the roses and combine with white dye or bone meal into pink dye. (There may also be white and pink flowers that can be made into more dye.)

Use pink dye directly or with wool to make lots of pink items for the extra utilities pink generator.



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
We def need the most complicated energy setup you can make ;)

Using something like an automated jet fuel farm to produce rf, without magical crops or bees ;)

or au automated setup to make cobblestone (or any block for that matter) nooks to feed into either a recycler or to make singularities


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Now, I'm not sure if this exactly counts as a Goldberg machine, but it is definitely over-complicated and inefficient for the job it completes. In the basement of my castle I have a little Golem Sweatshop, where thaumium and clay golems slave away on gearboxes grinding my ore into dust. Any typical setup to do this would require stupendously less space. The floor has dirt and cobble compression via simple autoworkbenches from BC. All of the items that come from the Arcane Bore (via enderchest and hopper) go along the assembly line and are sorted out, most of the items go right through and end up in the ender chest linked to my hopelessly unsorted storage room
The whole thing is needlessly overcomplex and time consuming, but the bright side is I get to have little posters that say "MASTER IS WATCHING" and gleefuly watch a horde of minions accomplish a task other people would have had their AE network do for them. And I suppose it is "power efficient" since the whole ore processing part of the deal doesn't need any power, vis, or essentia to work forever. Just golem power c:<