Get Locomotive Destination in Computercraft

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Title says it all, is there a way, using Open Peripheral or something, to get the destination (or lack of one) of a Railcraft Locomotive.

I have a solution, but it involves a bank of Detectors, and basically a binary check of destinations, but to add a destination could involve 3-4 changes to books, and changing a program, something I'd prefer not do have to do. Would there be a way to change Routing Books programmically?

I'm using DW20's 1.6 pack (1.0.14), and whilst I would prefer to not add on extra mods, I would do it to get this to work.


Forum Addict
Jul 27, 2013
Wireless redstone is a good option. Plug in a Cobble stone structure pipe and buildcraft gate. Set the gate to emit redstone signal on work done, and put the wireless redstone transmitter beside it. At the railyard, use a switch track connected to the receiver. It won't affect the train until the quarry is done, then it'll automatically shunt it to a shutdown line. Set it up with an and gate and a train detector on the shutdown line to flip the signal if you have other trains.