(Gendustry) What bees require no flowers ?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm trying to engineer the perfect bees and I need the "None" atribute for the Flowers trait. The FTB wiki says that the Secluded bee and the Barren Branch require no flowers, but the beealyzer says that they require Wheat. What bee could provide me with this trait ? I'm playing RR 1.6.4 (so I have Thaumcraft and Ars Magica 2 and... Extra Bees)
There definitely used to be a Bee Flower of "None" but I haven't seen it in a long time (and I've always been searching for it). I believe I recall a previous discussion explaining that it had been removed and all bees have a specific flower type (which is why you see "Wheat" instead of "None" now). My base is overgrown with flowers but I long ago stopped caring about it. It's ugly and a total mess but whatever. I've done genetics on all my bees of course but I just left "Flowers" alone. But yeah, "Stone" makes the most sense I think, if there's no "Flowers: None" in your modpack's bees.

Most Bee wikis are out-of-date (I'm doing bees in Infinity right now myself), it's impossible to keep up with every mod/modpack/update. Some wikis do it better than others, for instance here is a link to the Bee Species as of FTB Ultimate modpack days (circa 2013), it's still there and research-able: http://ftbwiki.org/index.php?title=Bee_Species&direction=prev&oldid=78685

On a sad but unfortunately related note... this awesome link has now died, seemingly for good: http://mc.nessirojgaming.eu/bees/index.php?title=Category:Attributes

Some kind soul had put up a series of oh-so-valuable pages on Bees which had information that just isn't found in any wiki, anywhere... it listed every Bee Attribute, and then sub-listed every bee that had that Attribute... and all that data is gone now, like dust in the wind. Sad, but its also my fault for never copying the webpages somehow. You want to know which Bee had a Temperature Tolerance of "Both 3"? That page could tell ya in a few clicks (Answer: Doctoral Bee).

There's a spoiler on page 2 of this 2013 thread where it says "An overview of the best bee traits:", it might be the best replacement available now for those pages that are gone: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/bee-traits.9932/page-2
But look what it says in there (proof that it used to be in the game):
- None (e.g. Arid Bee from Extra Bees)"

Maybe you should check Arid Bee just to be sure. I turned all mine into DNA and too lazy to go make another one to see. Let us know if you check.

My own question (haven't taken the time to check): Does Marble count as "Stone" in terms of the Flower trait? My base is made from Marble blocks (Chisel's, not ProjectRed's).
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All the info is in NEI now, want Fastest Production, search Fastest Production and click on the serum/gene and it'll show you which bee you get it from.

oh wow i guess i haven't tried that yet... thanks, will give it a look!

I see it is Gendustry that has added the info into NEI. I've resisted using that mod to date, but I guess I'm still glad it's in there because you are right, NEI is now the best way to figure out which bee has which trait by clicking on those Gene Samples to see the recipes.
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I don't think there is a no flower gene on any bee I know of.

As said if there is a gene sample from it, NEI could give you a hint. But the closest is Rock Polliantion from Rockys, especialyl as you can hide the stone under the floor for instance. One word of warning, if you using bees to breed trees, setting all your bees to pollinate of non-living 'flowers', they won't pollinate the trees.
I don't think there is a no flower gene on any bee I know of.

As said if there is a gene sample from it, NEI could give you a hint. But the closest is Rock Polliantion from Rockys, especialyl as you can hide the stone under the floor for instance. One word of warning, if you using bees to breed trees, setting all your bees to pollinate of non-living 'flowers', they won't pollinate the trees.

That's okay, there's really only one tree needed for bees, the Chestnut. And probably the Plum as well, since that has a Yield trait of High (how fast the fruit ripens). If you're a veteran Apiarist, you'll obviously have the Chestnuts and Plums very early on, for your seed oil production line. So not much worry about pollinating, really, except for those few days you're trying to get those darn Chestnuts and Plums.

Still, the output from my high-yield chestnut trees is disappointing. I even have Alvearies with bees having the Ripening Effect on them below the trees (fastest pollination, large territory) and seed oil production is still the bottleneck in my bee empire. I have 2 max-sized Forestry farms already, I guess I have to go to four now? And the entire area needs to be glass-enclosed, of course, due to the butterfly problem (I literally crashed the server I'm on because all the butterflies flew out of the loaded chunks and amassed in enormous numbers in the unloaded chunks). Even enclosed in glass, the butterflies can still escape somehow, and can even pollinate leaf blocks right thru the glass. Neat trick! sigh
All the info is in NEI now, want Fastest Production, search Fastest Production and click on the serum/gene and it'll show you which bee you get it from.
Brilliant, thank you !
There definitely used to be a Bee Flower of "None" but I haven't seen it in a long time (and I've always been searching for it). I believe I recall a previous discussion explaining that it had been removed and all bees have a specific flower type (which is why you see "Wheat" instead of "None" now). My base is overgrown with flowers but I long ago stopped caring about it. It's ugly and a total mess but whatever. I've done genetics on all my bees of course but I just left "Flowers" alone. But yeah, "Stone" makes the most sense I think, if there's no "Flowers: None" in your modpack's bees.

Most Bee wikis are out-of-date (I'm doing bees in Infinity right now myself), it's impossible to keep up with every mod/modpack/update. Some wikis do it better than others, for instance here is a link to the Bee Species as of FTB Ultimate modpack days (circa 2013), it's still there and research-able: http://ftbwiki.org/index.php?title=Bee_Species&direction=prev&oldid=78685

On a sad but unfortunately related note... this awesome link has now died, seemingly for good: http://mc.nessirojgaming.eu/bees/index.php?title=Category:Attributes

Some kind soul had put up a series of oh-so-valuable pages on Bees which had information that just isn't found in any wiki, anywhere... it listed every Bee Attribute, and then sub-listed every bee that had that Attribute... and all that data is gone now, like dust in the wind. Sad, but its also my fault for never copying the webpages somehow. You want to know which Bee had a Temperature Tolerance of "Both 3"? That page could tell ya in a few clicks (Answer: Doctoral Bee).

There's a spoiler on page 2 of this 2013 thread where it says "An overview of the best bee traits:", it might be the best replacement available now for those pages that are gone: http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/threads/bee-traits.9932/page-2
But look what it says in there (proof that it used to be in the game):
- None (e.g. Arid Bee from Extra Bees)"

Maybe you should check Arid Bee just to be sure. I turned all mine into DNA and too lazy to go make another one to see. Let us know if you check.

My own question (haven't taken the time to check): Does Marble count as "Stone" in terms of the Flower trait? My base is made from Marble blocks (Chisel's, not ProjectRed's).
Thank you and everyone else, I really...REALLY didn't expect this many great answers
I have 2 max-sized Forestry farms already, I guess I have to go to four now?
Sorry for being a bit off topic here, but have you looked into using creosote oil instead of seed oil? It used to be *much* more efficient. I haven't done any setup like that since 1.6.4, so maybe things have changed.
Sorry for being a bit off topic here, but have you looked into using creosote oil instead of seed oil? It used to be *much* more efficient. I haven't done any setup like that since 1.6.4, so maybe things have changed.

Thanks for mentioning that, I had heard about that a while ago but I forgot it until you just mentioned it. I'll check it out. Back in Ultimate modpack days, creosote was not an alternative, but I think you might be right about it in the current modpacks.