Are you confused or skeptical? My emotiglish is pretty rusty.[Reads Shaz's posts]
I can.Nojr you are practically a proven townie. Ask for some roleclaims already.
I know he feeling...I got burnt too many times running a convo, so I'd rather study first then vote.
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My emotinglish is probably worse than yours.Are you confused or skeptical? My emotiglish is pretty rusty.
RJS was about to 100% prove his own role. He was the best possible target for the wolves, just as I am tonight.I may still be a little sceptical though, so let me ask you: "Why would you have watched RJS in the first place?"
Which makes it look like RJS's death was my idea. Gee, I wonder who could have come up with that.RJS was about to 100% prove his own role. He was the best possible target for the wolves, just as I am tonight.
Also, while I'm talking, I'd like to point out that Pyure would be dead today had the Traitors not targeted RJS. Make of that what you will.
Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Most poems rhyme
But this one won't.
Now, on the business 3nds of things
you wanted a usefuL note?
A hint to one the traltors is hidden
within this nOte. Find it And you find
one of the traitor.
Good lUck
*Returns back to his dead state*
I knew the end of the line was close but I didn't expect it to be so soon. I always loved working on cases with my partner bigd, but this seems to be our last rodeo. Fellow Town, I hope you can kill off the rest of our enemies and win for the glory of terrorism! Thank you RJS for teaching me how to fight the good fight but I knew some day we would have different ideas of helping humanity and would have to work against each other.
profrags the Detective
This would be a good way to hide a kill PyureWhich makes it look like RJS's death was my idea. Gee, I wonder who could have come up with that.