Game Freezing/Crashing

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Im on Windows 64bit
I have tried to reinstall FTB and tried playing on my save
I have the latest java

So whenever i join my world I get SUPER LAG I mean really SUPER LAG!
I can move but nothing gets saved and i cant open chests etc.
I cant even post the stuff in the console to pastebin even when the client is closed any help?
The console is just frozen when i click post to pastebin it doesnt copy the code nor opening the page!
One thing I see in the console is this:

2013-05-03 14:53:41 [INFO] [STDOUT] Wrong location! EntityBrainyZombie[´Angry Zombie´/1449, I=´Abbes World´, x=175.70, y=34.00, z=546.70]

IDK wtf happend but i started to play and cant do shit. Please help me I really want to continue with my world.
I give the client 6gb RAM
And my pc is built for games so thats not the problem!
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