Hey guys, i could really use some help...
My OS: Mac OS X version 10.8.2
My Minecraft version: 1.4.7
MindCrack Feed The Beast Mod Pack: v 8.2.0
Basically i was trying to use a tank cart to transport oil. I used a boarding track with a liquid loader above it supplied with oil. The cart would pass over the boarding track, stop - load up with oil from the liquid loader above it - and once it was full and ready to depart... the game would crash. The crash report suggests its a issue with railcraft as far as i can tell. When i try to load the world, the game just keeps on crashing. However when i load a backup it works fine. Id really appreciate being able to use the world thats crashing again, since i've made quite a lot of progress with builds since i last made the backup. If there isn't a way to solve the railcraft issue then is there at least a way to delete the block thats causing the problem?
My Crash report is posted...
This is my first post so if theres anything else needed, please let me know... and i apologise in advance if i've made any mistakes. Thanks.
My OS: Mac OS X version 10.8.2
My Minecraft version: 1.4.7
MindCrack Feed The Beast Mod Pack: v 8.2.0
Basically i was trying to use a tank cart to transport oil. I used a boarding track with a liquid loader above it supplied with oil. The cart would pass over the boarding track, stop - load up with oil from the liquid loader above it - and once it was full and ready to depart... the game would crash. The crash report suggests its a issue with railcraft as far as i can tell. When i try to load the world, the game just keeps on crashing. However when i load a backup it works fine. Id really appreciate being able to use the world thats crashing again, since i've made quite a lot of progress with builds since i last made the backup. If there isn't a way to solve the railcraft issue then is there at least a way to delete the block thats causing the problem?
My Crash report is posted...
This is my first post so if theres anything else needed, please let me know... and i apologise in advance if i've made any mistakes. Thanks.