Server IP: ftb.fuse-gaming.net
Visit the website: www.fuse-gaming.net
Thank you for looking into our server and we hope to see you in game soon!
We are currently running one Feed the Beast Ultimate Server with 60 slots for our players, We can have more slots but we want the server to be stable and running good for all our players!
Server Features:
- Experienced Staff and Owners
- Family friendly server with chat filters and separate party chat.
- Friendly community
- Player owned shop's
- Grief prevention
- Vote for rewards.
- Donation packs for access to commands,items, and many other cool features.
- End, Twilight, and Mining worlds reset every week so you can explore forever and not mess up the main world.
- TeamSpeak3 Server for talking to your friends and making new ones.
- Towny
- Awesome town's For players to join!
Banned Items:
- Mining Laser
- Canavas Bag
- unifier
- Letter
- gravity gun
- portal gun
- Age creation
- Nuke
- Wand of excavat
- Want of Fire
Our goal:
- We strive to give our players the best experience possible, with a dedicated server and staff who care about players and the server.
- Ran differently, we work to resolve issues not ban players.
- Fun and protection to the maximum, with all blocks being added to protection you can enjoy your experience with no fear of grief.
- Our multi world systems allow us to keep long running main world maps.
- Respect all players and Staff members
- Use Common Sense
- Asking staff for administrator level privileged will get you muted.
- English only in chat
- "Towny" Give town members 24hrs to move there stuff before removing them.
- You are responsible for your own account
- No Server Advertising
- No Quarries in overworld
Processor; 1270V2 Xeon
Ram 5GB 1600mhz DDR3 ECC
120GB SSD's
1Gbps Uplink LA ,USA
Some Picture's: