Wow guys, no fighting

I do think that a "bit" of duping is all that bad, But can still change the game to make it.... easier, But without the process of that (taking raw products and processing them to make MORE resources) Alot of people wouldn't have very good tree and biofuel generators

from past experience, i have used sapling + sugarcane in a farm to be processed and put into the Engines, and those engines would power the machines needed to make it all possible WITH profit of it all to get an Iron Tank pretty much full of bioMass.

Also, Even with the process, you dont gain that much from this to use it in anything else besides to run itself...
i am asking in this thread for ways to "USE" power, Not Gain.
And how i say "use", in the title and first post, i asked for specifically things you guys think is "FUN". Which would be funny contrations or setups that seem cool.
Like i have made just yesterday on my little Bro's Multiplayer Map (Whitelisted) i made a Xycraft tank with magmatic engines (yes, them again

) and used them to power EVERYTHING he had in his base and things around the map, with just my small setup. So, I think these engines are just too badass

(not requesting Nerf, hehe) and this is gained with a Ender TANK on top of the valve and a Tank at the nether with a pump. And thats it, 2 tanks and 1 pump with redstone engines... W00t!