So what cracks me up the most about this is that he keeps going on and on and on about just how bad HQM is and keeps causing crashing, or is unstable, or whatever it is he is trying to get at. As everyone else in the thread has said but you don't seem to be able to listen to because you're to busy listening to yourself, it has precious few issues, and certainly not enough to whine about it like this. Don't give me this "It's not good on servers crap" I've run two servers using it on agrarian skies, one of which had a decent amount of people playing with me on the multiplayer map. I always check my server logs when it crashes even if it is a short quick crash. It NEVER showed anything to do with HQM, nor have I EVER crashed in single player with it.
The ONLY problem I have had with HQM to date is on the newest version in the newest 1.7.10 3RD PARTY PACKS (Not made by professionals if that's too much to understand), and even then the problems I've had haven't been my game crashing lol. It has essentially been quests not finishing properly or still showing unclaimed rewards after I claim them, but as far as I can tell, pretty sure that the creator of the actual quests for the modpack is at fault for that, not the mod.
Last thing, quit trying to find new things to argue about and cling to, you started this crap thread with nonsense about FTB being "behind the curve" which is just hilariously, and I mean so hilarious that I don't see how anybody can even believe it, wrong. AT launcher is nice, it's fairly well made and the mod packs aren't bad, but they are not as good as the packs, the OFFICIAL packs that have WAY more time and effort put into making sure they work properly and fit together well. The only reason we haven't seen 1.7 packs yet officially is because they are making absolutely sure that there are no bugs they can find at all before putting them out. Anybody can throw together 1.7 packs, but that doesn't mean that they will run smoothly or that the mods run well together, it doesn't make them better because they were first. Also, I would play several of the FTB 1.6.4 packs (Bloodnbones, Agrarian Skies, and a couple of others) before I would bother myself to go re-download AT Launcher and play those packs. Now then, I have no intention of replying to this thread again. You can humor yourself to reply to this post if you would like and I may even read it, but I've said what I had to and now I'm done. I advise everyone else in this thread to do the same and quit replying to the guy that doesn't honestly have any clue as to what he is talking about. Have a lovely day!
Edit: Oh right totally forgot haha, if you don't like FTB, go play AT launcher. Honestly just go, nobody is going to miss you.