FTB Unleashed novice, need help with mining, power generation, and what to do next

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I was afraid it would be too much :D and I'll look at it now. Made some more Steam Engines..my tree farm is pitiful. I need to make more charcoal, faster. I'm running out lol

edit: also i forgot the name of it..eh
You have a tree farm producing charcoal...:(
Can you provide a link to a tutorial, screenshot or something, cause I just cannot make a tree farm!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yeah I suppose so. :)

I, myself, actually have plans to. Sorting system will send saplings(and for now, seeds. Need lots of seeds to make an impregnated case so I can make more combs, beeswax, waterproof piping..annoying) to the planter beneath it, wood and rubber will go out to separate electric furnaces for processing. Rubber comes back to main area, charcoal goes to chest near quarry's steam engine.

Question, can I somehow setup the basic transport pipes to only send charcoal to the steam engine when it needs it? or is that the purpose of sending the charcoal into a chute above it?

edit: cool. got a simple sort setup. my harvester's seeds and saplings can now go to my planter. Gotta clear out the other items; they, for now, loop around back to the chest..wasting energy. Eh. Using 4 solar panels, charging a BatBox, using an electrical engine to power the transport pipes, and just glass fibre cable to power the planter+harvester setup. It's pretty efficient so far! Next step is definitely getting the ME Drive and stuff up, so I can pump my quarry's cobblestone to be converted to scrap. I seem to be addicted to making scrap..and sand for glass :/

edit 2: i seem to have a slight issue..even with the quarry loading chunks, my one pond, that had a lake flowing into it, actually completely drained :( how can i resolve this without using liquid tesseracts at this point? those are slightly pricy.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use a thing called an ..aquas accumultator (spelt wrong!) Needs water on 2x sides and will automatically pump out of any side with no risk of running dry :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Use a thing called an ..aquas accumultator (spelt wrong!) Needs water on 2x sides and will automatically pump out of any side with no risk of running dry :)
Thank you. I used one and got a full quarry load. Got 3 diamonds, like 7 gold ore, a full stack of redstone, some iron copper and tin.
Now I'm testing a mass fabricator. Using a stack of scrap and 6 coal powered generators, it can make a single UU-matter in roughly 2 minutes. It's about 1% per second. Not too bad. Once I make some advanced solar panels, I can add those in for natural power.

edit: you meant an Aqueous Accumulator.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For your portal question remember that every block in the nether is like 8 blocks in the over world. So if you only went 200 blocks away in the over world you only went (200-8) 25 blocks in the nether. When it searches for a portal on either side it searches within I think 128 blocks. So when you made your second portal, it located the location in the nether (approx. 25 blocks from your first portal) then searched 128 blocks for an existing on. If you want to change the location in the nether, you need to take obsidian with you disable the portal on the nether side, go to where you want it (within 128 blocks of the first) and make it again. Now note that may make a new portal in the overworld when you come back through. If you disable that one and then travel through your first it should link up to the new one you made in the nether. Depending on how far away that is from the first you might have issues with getting new semi random spots every time you come back through to the overworld.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
For your portal question remember that every block in the nether is like 8 blocks in the over world. So if you only went 200 blocks away in the over world you only went (200-8) 25 blocks in the nether. When it searches for a portal on either side it searches within I think 128 blocks. So when you made your second portal, it located the location in the nether (approx. 25 blocks from your first portal) then searched 128 blocks for an existing on. If you want to change the location in the nether, you need to take obsidian with you disable the portal on the nether side, go to where you want it (within 128 blocks of the first) and make it again. Now note that may make a new portal in the overworld when you come back through. If you disable that one and then travel through your first it should link up to the new one you made in the nether. Depending on how far away that is from the first you might have issues with getting new semi random spots every time you come back through to the overworld.

Wow. That would mean I'd need to go a long in the Overworld. Ok I'll figure something out and go about it. Thank you, though, I did not know there was a scaling factor


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Breed bees.
Enough said.
Yeah I held one in my hand once..the wings flutter. Pretty cute.

Had to restart my world; hard drive got a bit screwy and ruined it. Eh. I can do better now.

edit: new world going better than expected. found lots of copper, tin, gold, redstone, diamond, and beyond a truck load of iron so far. Set up a quarry really fast, powered by 2 steam engines, fed by an aqueous accumulator for water. Tree farm needs some work, need to set u pa harvest and planter now, to make it a bit more automated.
I went for a pulverizer and MJ driven furnace.induction furnace I think, instead of the Macerator/electric furnace combo that drains me of copper and rubber and time..was so easy to set up this stuff. The stirling engines drain too much though. I need to set up a magma based power system or something renewable. Any ideas?

edit 2: forgot to mention, one diamond chest for storage and furnace/pulverizer output, and one diamond chest for quarry output. jackpot!
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