Whitelist Server FTB Unleashed 1.1.2 [Private] | Looking For Experienced Players

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hi people, I will be creating a FTB Unleashed - Private Server maybe around 10 player slots only. I'm looking to create a low player slot so that the server wont be crowded and we will be able to enjoy the private gaming session together. I'm only looking for highly experienced and mature FTB players that are willing to to guide me (I'm very new to FTB) and work as team on the server.

The server wont have any restriction or blocked items/mods. However some common rules applies as per below :

1. No Griefing
2. No Stealing
3. No Hacking
4. No Spamming
5. Respect All Players
6. Always Helpful

If your interested in joining my private server, please post below with the following format and I will look into your application and make decision. [Currently Limited to 10 Applicant Only!] :

i) In-Game Name :
ii) Age :
iii) Experience with FTB :
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype :
v) How often do you come online/play :
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above :

The server is a brand new server with a new world. Server will be running 24/7 and you can expect a very minimal downtime (even if there is, it is due to maintenance for updates). Memory allocated for server is high enough and will increase it time to time if needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : PeteNorf
ii) Age : 16
iii) Experience with FTB : Been playing mods since Minecraft was in beta. I haven't played much of FTB yet ( I prefer to use my own Mods, Not a pack) but am familiar with most of the mods that are in the pack today. I'm fairly decent at building complex automated systems but I struggle with making my builds look "Pretty". I normally stray away from servers because its nearly impossible to find one with all nice people that you can trust not to take your stuff. My hopes are that joining a smaller community will eliminate most of the Stealing and Greifing. It's frustrating to mine resources for hours just to have someone take them because they get a kick out of ruining other peoples days. Most of the time I'm stuck on servers with plenty of greifing because of my age, which I understand, because most of the greifers are my age. I've joined servers before but I always end up going back to single player after someone burns my house or drops and anvil on my head. I would enjoy helping others learn the mods and get their builds working, I love to solve problems during the creation of a build.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes, But not all of the time. I'm fairly quiet and only like to talk if I need to.
v) How often do you come online/play : 2-3 Hours a day Maybe more.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : Faetten
ii) Age : 36
iii) Experience with FTB : Direwolf20, Mindcrack, Ultimate, and delving into Unleashed
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes
v) How often do you come online/play : everyday or every other day
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes I agree with the rules.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : farmertravis
ii) Age : 14
iii) Experience with FTB : 4 months
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : i can make one
v) How often do you come online/play : often!
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : yes! i do not grief! i see no point in doing it!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : The_MinionPT
ii) Age : 14
iii) Experience with FTB : 6 months, but I like to have a good community without steeling from me, and who can help when I need.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : yes
v) How often do you come online/play : a lot
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : yes, I like no steeling


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : deemera
ii) Age : 32
iii) Experience with FTB : Been playing FTB since the launch, and tend to check out most of Direwolf20's videos to get a sneak peak at what's coming down the pipe.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Don't have a mic, but been meaning to get one.
v) How often do you come online/play : Varies, but usually 3-4 nights a week, for a couple hours.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes. It would be silly to apply if I wasn't willing to follow the rules. ;)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : PeteNorf
ii) Age : 16
iii) Experience with FTB : Been playing mods since Minecraft was in beta. I haven't played much of FTB yet ( I prefer to use my own Mods, Not a pack) but am familiar with most of the mods that are in the pack today. I'm fairly decent at building complex automated systems but I struggle with making my builds look "Pretty". I normally stray away from servers because its nearly impossible to find one with all nice people that you can trust not to take your stuff. My hopes are that joining a smaller community will eliminate most of the Stealing and Greifing. It's frustrating to mine resources for hours just to have someone take them because they get a kick out of ruining other peoples days. Most of the time I'm stuck on servers with plenty of greifing because of my age, which I understand, because most of the greifers are my age. I've joined servers before but I always end up going back to single player after someone burns my house or drops and anvil on my head. I would enjoy helping others learn the mods and get their builds working, I love to solve problems during the creation of a build.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes, But not all of the time. I'm fairly quiet and only like to talk if I need to.
v) How often do you come online/play : 2-3 Hours a day Maybe more.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes

i) In-Game Name : Faetten
ii) Age : 36
iii) Experience with FTB : Direwolf20, Mindcrack, Ultimate, and delving into Unleashed
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes
v) How often do you come online/play : everyday or every other day
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes I agree with the rules.

i) In-Game Name : deemera
ii) Age : 32
iii) Experience with FTB : Been playing FTB since the launch, and tend to check out most of Direwolf20's videos to get a sneak peak at what's coming down the pipe.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Don't have a mic, but been meaning to get one.
v) How often do you come online/play : Varies, but usually 3-4 nights a week, for a couple hours.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes. It would be silly to apply if I wasn't willing to follow the rules. ;)


Server will be up in few hours time and a PM will be sent to you on the server details as soon as its up.

Thanks :)[DOUBLEPOST=1377057167][/DOUBLEPOST]
i) In-Game Name : farmertravis
ii) Age : 14
iii) Experience with FTB : 4 months
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : i can make one
v) How often do you come online/play : often!
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : yes! i do not grief! i see no point in doing it!

i) In-Game Name : The_MinionPT
ii) Age : 14
iii) Experience with FTB : 6 months, but I like to have a good community without steeling from me, and who can help when I need.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : yes
v) How often do you come online/play : a lot
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : yes, I like no steeling


Your information did not meet my expectation.

Thanks for applying anyways :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Server is running up and I've PM-ed those who are accepted on the server details.

Thanks :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name :Bluebull12
ii) Age :18
iii) Experience with FTB :I Have Played FTB for abit now and i am getting better at it as time goes on and i played tecniclancher/Tekkit for a longtime.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype :Bluebull121
v) How often do you come online/play :4-5 Hours a day maybe more
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above :Yes i agree with the rules.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name :Bluebull12
ii) Age :18
iii) Experience with FTB :I Have Played FTB for abit now and i am getting better at it as time goes on and i played tecniclancher/Tekkit for a longtime.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype :Bluebull121
v) How often do you come online/play :4-5 Hours a day maybe more
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above :Yes i agree with the rules.

Your information did not meet my expectation.

Please check here for more information : http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/71f693222455d05af2d4aea145f92fc19165d35a



New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : ohhworddd
ii) Age : 15 ( Almost 16 )
iii) Experience with FTB : I've been playing FTB for about 1 year now, and i've built awesome factorys etc.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes. will give skype if accepted.
v) How often do you come online/play : 3-6 Hours a day, depends. when school starts maybe 2-4.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above :Yes i agree with all the rules stated.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : The_MinionPT
ii) Age : 14
iii) Experience with FTB : 6 months, but I like to have a good community without steeling from me, and who can help when I need.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : yes
v) How often do you come online/play : a lot
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : yes, I like no steeling

P.S: I understand of IC2 and BuildCraft. I now I dont have requirements, but can I play on server?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey! I would like to join you! Here are my data:
i) In-Game Name: the_martines
ii) Age: 23
iii) Experience with FTB: I have played FTB Mindcrack for like 3 months on a daily basis. Now after few months (study stuff) i came back looking for a cool server.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes.
v) How often do you come online/play: Few hours per day.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Sure i do.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : xblackwolfx7
ii) Age : 18
iii) Experience with FTB : Plenty, started playing FTB about a year ago
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : yeppers
v) How often do you come online/play : a couple hours per day
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Would love to join -
i) In-Game Name : dirtyleper
ii) Age : 23
iii) Experience with FTB : Played since launch. Significant experience with mods since 1.2.5.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : No, however I am very active in the text chat.
v) How often do you come online/play : 4-6 hours daily
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name :SxeErden
ii) Age :21
iii) Experience with FTB :Ftb since before the pack when it was only a map,and mods since beta
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype :not at the moment i need a new mic for this pc
v) How often do you come online/play : every day or every other day
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above :yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : kr990
ii) Age : 23
iii) Experience with FTB : I've been playing FTB for almost a year now, so quite a bit of experience.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : Yes
v) How often do you come online/play : Usually a few nights a week for about 1-5 hours sometimes more.
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : Yes


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i) In-Game Name : Pugg138
ii) Age : 42
iii) Experience with FTB : I have a lot of experiance with most of the mods on the pac, I have been playing on FTB ultimate for quite a while and have used most of the mods on there other than MFFS, and Steve carts and a few others but most of them I have extisivly knowligable on. I am farley good at making my house "pretty" once I get going.
iv) Are you able to converse @ Skype : I can but I like TS better because you can use push to talk
v) How often do you come online/play : about 10hr a week
vi) Do you agree with all the rules above : I agree

is there any mods or items banned


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I) IGN: Deatak
II) Age: 17
III) FTB experience: I was derping with mods since beta 1.6 i think, then tekkit and when feed the beasty came out i played it, and i'm playing it since . :) About my skill with mods i consider myself pretty knowledged with all the mods, and i'm also watching direwold20's "previews". (Favourite mod: RP but it's not in anymore [:(], so Forestery).
IV) Skype: I got it and im capable of communicating throught it :D All fine by me.
V) On-Time: I presume i would be online about 5 hours a day, but i might not play just minecraft so there might be days i would not be on.
VI) Rules: Accept all of them, and agree with them.
(Note: I'm realy sorry if there's something misspelled, english isn't my native language but i'm trying. I hope you can read it all.)

Edit: Oh i just noticed that link :) So here's mine: http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/81777ddcdd5e6a4a28a4f6f31233a6e4dc3ceb22


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In-Game Name : shadowwraiser
Age : 15
Experience with FTB : I almost only play ftb now and I know a ton about almost all the mods
Are you able to converse @ Skype : yeah my Skype is: shadowwraiser
How often do you come online/play : I will try and come on at least every second night
Do you agree with all the rules above : yes

btw if I am allowed to join can you please contact me through skype