Whitelist Server FTB Ultimate Whitelisted : 17+ : Mindcrack Inspired : 15GB RAM : 24/7

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Minecraft Username: musicman148
Skype Username: therealbudross
Age: 17
Why do you think this server is for you: I've been looking for a new server with a close community and one with no plugins
Have you ever been banned before. nope!
How often will you play: daily
Minecraft Username: Joeztoothbrush
Skype Username: Joez_toothbrush
Age: 17
Why do you think this server is for you: I have been looking at technical packs and servers for weeks trying to pin point a place I will be able to play and not lose interest, coming upon your server I feel it fits almost exactly what I'm looking for. I am excited to immerse myself in FTB ultimate and get to know a community of players at the same time.
Have you ever been banned before. I've been playing minecraft since beta was released, so yes I have been banned. Playing on countless amounts of servers through the years you will eventually bump into someone not like minded as you, however I have never been banned for a serious offence such as griefing or harassment.
How often will you play: I am currently working and in highschool at the moment, school is starting to wrap up which means work will start to increase. Although this does not mean I won't play, but my schedule will vary. I often have 3 days off from work a week which will mean I will play some days a lot more than others. To sum up every chance I get for about 2-6 hours at a time.
Minecraft Username: Hotncole
Skype Username: Pugnomax
Age: 18
Why do you think this server is for you: I'm a fan of Mindcrack and I'm really excited to join a server of other fans, and the pranking element really has the gears start turning in my head. :P
Have you ever been banned before. No, most of the servers I play on were either shut down eventually or I lost interest in them but never a ban.
How often will you play: Probably around 30 hours the first week then 15-20 after I've got myself set up.
Minecraft Username: musicman148
Skype Username: therealbudross
Age: 18
Why do you think this server is for you: I am a fan of mindcrack, and i'm looking for a close knit community, and i enjoy pranking!
Have you ever been banned before. I have not
How often will you play: Daily!
Minecraft Username: SleekBeek
Skype Username: MCsleekbeek
Age: 15
Why do you think this server is for you: I always wanted to find a nice, whitelisted community that is like mindcrack and will be enjoyable finally because it's hard to find a server like this with no plugins, I hate plugins. I really want to meet new people and make new friends along the way. I have about a year's experience of FTB but I still would like to share my creations with the community
Have you ever been banned before. Nope
How often will you play: 5-6 hours every weekday and up to 12 hours on a weekend.
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Minecraft Username: DerpPilz
Skype Username: Pvmnation
Age: 20
Why do you think this server is for you: Looking for a server with gregtech, couldnt find so decided to go to to ultimate and this looks good
Have you ever been banned before. Never
How often will you play: Daily
Minecraft Username: Devill
Skype Username: D33zy4000
Age: 18
Why do you think this server is for you: i want to build some blocks bruh
Have you ever been banned before. no
How often will you play: everyday

Minecraft Username: mtsanchez
Skype Username: Guido Versluis
Age: 28

Why do you think this server is for you:

First of all, i'm looking for a new server cause my old one is closing due to inactivity and the owner hasn't got time to maintain it. I'm a typical cheesyhead dutch guy and i use FTB to increase the possibilities of creativity compared to vanilla. Besides the last point, I'm a chemical technologist in RL who loves the addition of the mods, making awesome factories in this game. The focus is more on building though and i'll show a picture of my last (partially finished) base to confirm this. I'm a good teamplayer which normally search for teaming up in order to do projects for the community. Making a spawn village, community farms, an area for games is something i'd like to do.

Have you ever been banned before: Nope, you could probably check this
How often will you play: mostly every day for a couple of hours, in the weekends mostly half of the day




Minecraft Username: Masbee29
Skype Username:mason_hill29
Why do you think this server is for you:I'm interested because I have been craving getting back into the FTB scene. This server looks jjust like what I am looking for.
Have you ever been banned before: Never banned
How often will you play:On the Daily peeps.
I have been playing FTB for 2 years and am well educated with most mods. Ive hosted for over a year as well so I have experiance with that. I will be great asset to have on the server if you ever need extra help as well.
If you are interested in my building abilities I have a few quick screenshots on at http://masonhill.imgur.com/all/
Minecraft Username: Micmager
Skype Username: mikegray19
Age: 24
Why do you think this server is for you: For starters it's whitelisted, which I love but hate applying for. For the beef patty of the reason burger, this is one of the only servers that appears to have no issues with me as far as banned item lists, plugins, or age rating. For finishers It's one of the only servers still running and still running ultimate which is by far the pack I've had the most fun in since FTB was launched.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope, never even close.
How often will you play: Couple hours a day, there will be days when I don't log in but that's normal day to day life.
Minecraft Username: English_88
Skype Username: Pm you if accepted
Age: 26
Why do you think this server is for you: Love the mindcrackers, always looking for a good server to join
Have you ever been banned before. No
How often will you play: everyday
Minecraft Username: keviths
Skype Username: keviths
Age: 19
Why do you think this server is for you: Less lag on Ultimate than Direwolf :)
Have you ever been banned before. No
How often will you play:Often enough
Minecraft Username: MW1000
Skype Username: killer12kk
Age: 18 (23-08-1996)
Why do you think this server is for you: i just want a server where i can play with others without griefing
Have you ever been banned before. nope
How often will you play: at least 1 hour a day but if i have a fun time it will be a lot more
Minecraft Username: Alexz_
Skype Username: Blue.blood74
Age: 16
Why do you think this server is for you: Seems like a cool community and the fact that its not easy to find a server where people trust eachother with no mods or plugins.
Have you ever been banned before: No
How often will you play: Pretty much everyday.
Side Note - Although I am a year below your requested age, If its based on maturity I think I am pretty mature, Mature enough to learn 3 coding languages (C#/HTML/CSS) at the age of 16 and also continue to learn LUA.
Minecraft Username: Knockturnal
Skype Username: Saffer49
Age: 24
Why do you think this server is for you: Looking for a server that isn't filled with immature children and has a small but steady community.
Have you ever been banned before: Not in my 6 years of minecraft.
How often will you play: Whenever I can, my work schedule is a bit crazy so I play when I get a chance. Some days hours, some days none.

Thanks for your consideration.
Minecraft Username: MrCluckDuck
Skype Username: KamiTenshi24
Why do you think this server is for you: I prefer to play on smaller servers, so its nice to play on whitelisted servers. And its nice to have pranks, like oh my god I used to do that all the time on my other server.
Have you ever been banned before: Nope, and I don't plan on it.
How often will you play: I will play pretty often, probably 4-8 hours a day depending on homework situations and if my friends want me to play with them.
Minecraft Username: TehKnight117
Skype Username: shamil1187
Age: 16
Why do you think this server is for you: Considering it is a 17+ server, I want to be around others who are mature in what they do and have fun at the same time without having to argue relentlessly until they end up becoming mental.
Have you ever been banned before: No
How often will you play: At least an hour a day unless homework gets in the way.
Minecraft Username: NicholasFoxden
Skype Username: NicholasFoxden
Age: 17
Why do you think this server is for you: Because this is what I like to call a 'professional casual' server. It allows all those fun little pranks and jokes among the players that I builds the community of the server.
Have you ever been banned before: Only once. It was on a Raid/Grief Tekkit Classic server, and the server admin was salty because I raided his base while the plugin that he normally uses to protect all his stuff was down. Meanwhile he was the most stacked person on the server, slaying others with his OP-earned gear. In my opinion, he had it coming, and deserved it. I don't grief ever unless the point of the server is griefing, or involves it. (Factions/Raid/Grief/Anarchy)
How often will you play: I can't say how often I will play consistantly, but if I'm not playing on any other servers, and I am on, I will likely play for a good number of hours whenever I'm on. Anywhere from 2-10
Minecraft Username: Joeztoothbrush

Skype Username: Joez_toothbrush

Age: 17

Why do you think this server is for you: The server seems to be focused around community, just like the Mindcrack group. I always have a heavy focus on group play and this works perfect for me. I'm also ready to get back into mod-packs and am excited to play the ultimate pack with others!

Have you ever been banned before: Yes, I've been playing Minecraft since late alpha. This means I've joined hundreds of servers and there is bound to be an altercation. Although, any former ban was issued at a younger age and was never for anything serious such as griefing or harassment.

How often will you play: Currently I am in my graduating year of high school, therefore my marks take precedence over video games, although I'll be playing on my free time and may be able to net a decent amount of hours a week. Also with holiday break coming close I'll be able to play more often.