Whitelist Server FTB Ultimate [No banned items!]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey everyone!

Got the itch to play some Ultimate again, and I'd like to ask if anyone would like to join me!



Why do you wanna join?:

Why do you think rules are important?:

What's your definition of maturity?

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.)

My Skype: tyweslow18

Please fill out that application, and I'll choose if you're in or not. I'll give you the IP in Skype or via PM.
Age: Seventeen

IGN: drampie

Why do you wanna join?: I LOVE modded minecraft. I was previously on a vanilla server and it's nowhere near as fun (my personal opinion) as compared to a modpack such as FTB. I used to play FTB on a single player server, but it doesn't have the same effect as with a group of people. Something that stuck out to me on this server is the fact that it would be small, and I really do enjoy smaller MC servers.

Why do you think rules are important?: Things can get really out of hand without them.

What's your definition of maturity? I feel that maturity only comes once someone knows when to distinguish the time for fun and the time to be serious. I also think that once someone is mature, they can understand the word 'no'.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.): yourekindalame
Age: 18

IGN: strane111

Why do you wanna join?: I've really got an itchin to play ultimate again too but I dont wanna play single player.

Why do you think rules are important?: So that people aren't just doing what ever they want which can lead to things getting out of hand

What's your definition of maturity? Being able to act as an adult in certain situations and knowing when and when not to say certain things.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) strane111
Age: 19

IGN: Nameles

Why do you wanna join?: I really want to play some modded minecraft in multiplayer with some cool people and learn something

Why do you think rules are important?: They prevent player to player chaos and rude interaction. It also keeps the server pleasant and stable

What's your definition of maturity? Being more considerate and trustworthy, also you know more compared to your younger self

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.): Raudonas21
Age: 18

IGN: WillB1fy

Why do you wanna join?: I would like to join this server and community to meet new people make new friends and have a great time playing modded survival minecraft.

Why do you think rules are important?: Rules are very important to help keep things civilized other wise it becomes chaos and madness between one and other. Without rules a community cannot be made because there has to be order.

What's your definition of maturity? My maturity level is good because I love to joke around and never mine if someone jokes about me I even laugh if its funny, with that being said I am also a very polite and respectful person and would never do anything that would harm another person in anyway or shape.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.). My Skype is WillB1fy, feel free to contact me at any time if you have any question at all do be shy to ask I am available almost always.

Thank you for reviewing my application and hope to hear from you soon.

Age: 22

IGN: Autista_SvK

Why do you wanna join?: I started getting nostalgic about Ultimate few days ago and been looking for server ever since... Looking for a nice whitelisted server for Ultimate is almost impossible, but yours seems like a really nice and friendly one :)

Why do you think rules are important?: Without rules, there's anarchy, and we wouldn't want that now, would we? :) The only kind of anarchy I would tolerate is the UK version (refusing tea :D)

What's your definition of maturity? Maturity is the ability to take what life gives you and turn it into something nice and good for yourself and those around you instead of bitching about stupid little stuff.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) rolisko
Age: 22

IGN: Raycloud19

Why do you wanna join?: I like to play on a modded minecraft server, it's so fun. i enjoy it very much

Why do you think rules are important?: Rules are very important to help keep things civilized. Without rules, there's chaos!!

What's your definition of maturity? Maturity is the ability to take responsabilities and be responsable for your acts

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) dragons199
Age: 15 turning 16 this year

IGN: Zam_2000

Why do you wanna join?: Im really in to these kind of mods with machines and stuff but all the other servers have banned items and greifers wich just destroy the fun so i want to join becouse i'd like to be able to enjoy the full content of the mod :)

Why do you think rules are important?: The rules are important for keeping the server togheter so people dont think its ok to steal or greif other people

What's your definition of maturity? Maturity in my eyes is when u stop screming at people and start talking insted to solve something aka being a normal human being...

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) Zam.Lindqvist
Age: 16

IGN: M9123

Why do you wanna join?: I just recently got back into FTB and wanted a server for my favorite nostalgic modpack.

Why do you think rules are important?: They keep everything in order and usually stop people from doing stupid or mean things.

What's your definition of maturity? I think maturity means being mostly serious but still having fun and helping others when they need it.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) max.perpoli
Age: 23

IGN: JplC213

Why do you wanna join?: Well, been playing a lot of 1.7.10 with a few selected mods as my computer would lag out with too many. And before this I was an avid player of FTB Ultimate on a server, where I had mostly all end game completed and kept going and going making more and more ways of generating power, creating items from thin air, so on so forth. So today I was playing 1.7.10 like always, and while I waited for the game to load up, I saw some youtube videos on the new modpack FTB Inventions, and I noticed that there was a mod called TechReborn, adding all the old GregTech machines, etc.. And that kinda gave me the urge to re-download FTB Ultimate and start playing it again to achieve that end game. So first thing I did was downloading the pack and then I proceed to find a Whitelisted server. This was the one that got my attention as you had the same feeling as I did, that thing to play this pack again. I want to join you guys to have some fun times with you all and make new friendships.

Why do you think rules are important?: Rules are important to keep everything running smooth and without any problems. Without rules it would be chaos and that's not good for a server.

What's your definition of maturity? Well, I kinda see it on how you act with others, and what kind of "fun" you like to have. As in, there's fun pranking for example, and there's the jackass pranking. A mature person would know how to prank someone without causing them too much hassle and trouble. Someone that's immature, would just destroy someone's day with their behvaior and attitude. Attitude is another thing that defines maturity. You attitude towards others is very important, and one does not make friends being in a joker mood all day long.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) I've already tried to add you. live:jplc213
Age: 21

IGN: ShadowStriker77

Why do you wanna join?: Haven't played in a while and what to get back into it with some people

Why do you think rules are important?: Well people can be stupid without them and it can get out of hand

What's your definition of maturity? Having fun but knowing when to say no and not cross a line

Skype name? ShadowStriker7777
Age: 36

IGN: Chemicalash a.k.a Chem

Why do you wanna join?: I'm looking for a home. I need this now. I miss it so much. lol I'm a lil rusty on the all the code etc but that's what you tube is for.

Why do you think rules are important?: The whole point of creating a server is to build a community correct? Well, with out rules "laws" in place you will have chaos. People without leaders create anarchy "controlled chaos"... Leaders with maturity "Admins/Counsel" Create community.

What's your definition of maturity? The definition of maturity is adulthood, or is the state of being fully developed. At least that's the best society can explain it. However the frontal cerebral cortex doesn't even fully develop till at least the age of 25 in most males alone. Everyone has there own opinion in "maturity" age makes no difference. Follow the rules, no exceptions or face the consequences. It's simple. Time will earn more trust.

Skype name? Charles Grandy, you should be able to find me under [email protected] look for the pic with the little red headed boy in it (my son, Gavin) Or just email me if that doesn't work.

lil' extra: I'm a master design builder, from Any kind of building, Nature rebuild {i.e. parks} to Giant Cheese burgers and if need be I can copy anything you want built, I just need a picture. Yes, it was a contest and yes I won 1st place on the server. :) I might be able to hunt down a pic of it, it had a fully working restaurant on the inside also with a lounge on the 2nd floor. hehe

Age: 17

IGN: superhiperpolulo

Why do you wanna join?: I got a bit nostalgic and want to replay my favorite modpack that is FTB Ultimate, I feel like the experience is better on a server with no banned items

Why do you think rules are important?: they are important to indicate what's good and fair for the majority of people

What's your definition of maturity? someone who is fully responsible of their own actions.

Skype name? superhiperpolulo

IGN: gizmo_sargeant

Why do you wanna join?: Want to get back in on the modded scene

Why do you think rules are important?: game play rules- stop exploiting of bugs keeping gameplay balanced, server rules- keep the social side of the gameplay in check,

What's your definition of maturity? knowing when a joke has gone to far, when someone is being serious not sarcastic

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) thomas.sargeant1996
Age: 18

IGN: alexpell01

Why do you wanna join?: Looking to get back into FTB

Why do you think rules are important?: To keep things fun for everyone, and the server running smoothly.

What's your definition of maturity? I am used to working with people a lot older then me, I am very mature but I also like to have fun.

If the server is fun I don't mind donating to help with server costs.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.)

My Skype: alexpell00
Age: 19

IGN: GenniTheKitten

Why do you wanna join?: Because I love ultimate and the server I've played on for years shut down.

Why do you think rules are important?: They keep things civilized and calm for everyone, as well as protecting against known bugs and exploits.

What's your definition of maturity? Being rational when handling situations.

Skype name?(I'll message you and ask you some additional questions if I think you're good from here.) I will add you on skype, my skype name has my full name in it so I don't want to put it on this site.

IGN: TheMightyZMan

Why do you wanna join?: To join a friendly server which me and my girlfriend can just chill and have fun on without immature people and overpopulation.

Why do you think rules are important?: guidelines are needed to make sure people don't go over the limits of what would make a server stable, reliable and enjoyable. e.g. exploits & greifing.

What's your definition of maturity?: Being civil, ethically stable and respectful.

Skype name: Mayell98
@ben cole what make you think that a server that was started over 2 years ago is still up? If you check the original posters profile page you will see that his current server is FTB Beyond. So I really doubt after two years he still has this one up.