FTB Ultimate - Can't connect to any servers

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have been able to connect to servers perfectly well for the past week, but today it would say "Logging In" and then the cancel button would disappear and a Done button would appear farther down the screen.
This is what comes up in the console:

2013-06-18 21:08:58 [SEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] FML has detected item discrepancies
2013-06-18 21:08:58 [SEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] Missing items : {20258=Item 20258, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemWrench, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null}
2013-06-18 21:08:58 [SEVERE] [fml.ItemTracker] Mismatched items : {2003=(Item 2003, Type thermalexpansion.factory.block.ItemBlockRockwool, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name block.factory.rockwool, claimedModId null, Item 2003, Type thermalexpansion.factory.block.ItemBlockTank, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name block.factory.tank, claimedModId null), 2006=(Item 2006, Type thermalexpansion.energy.block.ItemBlockEnergyCell, owned by ThermalExpansion|Energy, ordinal 0, name block.energy.storage, claimedModId null, Item 2006, Type thermalexpansion.transport.block.ItemBlockConduit, owned by ThermalExpansion|Transport, ordinal 0, name block.transport.conduit, claimedModId null), 2007=(Item 2007, Type thermalexpansion.energy.block.ItemBlockEngine, owned by ThermalExpansion|Energy, ordinal 0, name block.energy.engine, claimedModId null, Item 2007, Type thermalexpansion.transport.block.ItemBlockTeleport, owned by ThermalExpansion|Transport, ordinal 0, name block.transport.teleport, claimedModId null), 2004=(Item 2004, Type thermalexpansion.factory.block.ItemBlockHardenedGlass, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name block.factory.glass, claimedModId null, Item 2004, Type thermalexpansion.energy.block.ItemBlockEngine, owned by ThermalExpansion|Energy, ordinal 0, name block.energy.engine, claimedModId null), 2005=(Item 2005, Type thermalexpansion.transport.block.ItemBlockConduit, owned by ThermalExpansion|Transport, ordinal 0, name block.transport.conduit, claimedModId null, Item 2005, Type thermalexpansion.energy.block.ItemBlockEnergyCell, owned by ThermalExpansion|Energy, ordinal 0, name block.energy.storage, claimedModId null), 20257=(Item 20257, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemTE, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 1, name null, claimedModId null, Item 20257, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemWrench, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null), 2008=(Item 2008, Type thermalexpansion.factory.block.ItemBlockTank, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name block.factory.tank, claimedModId null, Item 2008, Type thermalexpansion.factory.block.ItemBlockHardenedGlass, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name block.factory.glass, claimedModId null), 2009=(Item 2009, Type thermalexpansion.transport.block.ItemBlockTeleport, owned by ThermalExpansion|Transport, ordinal 0, name block.transport.teleport, claimedModId null, Item 2009, Type thermalexpansion.factory.block.ItemBlockRockwool, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name block.factory.rockwool, claimedModId null), 20261=(Item 20261, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemTE, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 2, name null, claimedModId null, Item 20261, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemTE, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 1, name null, claimedModId null), 20262=(Item 20262, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemTE, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, Item 20262, Type thermalexpansion.factory.item.ItemUpgrades, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null), 20263=(Item 20263, Type thermalexpansion.factory.item.ItemUpgrades, owned by ThermalExpansion|Factory, ordinal 0, name null, claimedModId null, Item 20263, Type thermalexpansion.core.item.ItemTE, owned by ThermalExpansion, ordinal 2, name null, claimedModId null)}
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