FTB Skyfactory 3 Locally hosted server

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New Member
Aug 4, 2019
So I've been running a locally hosted server on my machine as i know general basic server stuff enough to run a competent server (i hope) and I've been able to support 6 players all at once including my partner (same internet as me), my Friend in question, myself and 3 others.

I have recently been having problems when Friend joins as he has no more than 2 bars of connection which makes a 10 second delay when opening chests and making it impossible to retrieve any items from the chest let alone use anything. he seems to "warm up" after a while and sometimes after a few restarts on his end it seems to run fine but as you can tell that would be horrible to play like that as it SHOULD be as simple as launching the game and hitting connect. my partner, Friend and myself all run on the legacy ftb client and when we first started the world as i said there was no problems. I had made an attempt to eliminated my server as the problem by supplying more ram to it with a ms=2G and mx=6G but recently ramping the "mx" upto 10G (haven't tried with this yet). I feel confident that it is also not a connection problem on my behalf because i sit at a respectable "27.47Mbps" on speedtest.net but if I was proven wrong i would be open to any suggestions.

I haven't done any troubleshooting on his behalf as it's hard when we don't live in the same area. I'm hoping for the possibility to transfer the "world" file over to my single player files and just open to LAN with "online = true" but I have not tested this either. any help will be appreciated and I am going to post below my "serverstart.bat" and will respond with any other files that you may need to help me in this endevour. thank you in advance for even reading this and I hope I can get this problem fixed. (no i have not tried with a fresh server... it is an idea that just came to mind) (apologises for my english if it is bad)

@if NOT "%FTB_VERBOSE%"=="yes" (
@Echo off

call settings.bat

goto install
goto install
goto skipinstall

echo running install script!
call FTBInstall.bat

REM Check if java in path
where java > NUL 2>&1

echo No java binary in path. Can't run server, exiting...
exit /B

REM e.g. 32-bit JVM does not have server\jvm.dll library
java -server -version > java-test.log 2>&1

echo Detected following JVM error:
echo =======================================
more java-test.log
echo =======================================
echo JVM test failed. Can't run server, Exiting...
exit /B

if not exist eula.txt (
echo Missing eula.txt. Startup will fail and eula.txt will be created
echo Make sure to read eula.txt before playing!
goto startserver

find "eula=false" eula.txt 1 > NUL 2>&1
echo Make sure to read eula.txt before playing! Exiting.
exit /B

del /f /q autostart.stamp > nul 2>1

echo Starting server
java -server -Xms2G -Xmx10G -XX:permSize=%PERMGEN_SIZE% %JAVA_PARAMETERS% -jar %FORGEJAR% nogui

if exist autostart.stamp (
del /f /q autostart.stamp > nul 2>1
echo If you want to completely stop the server process now, press Ctrl+C before the time is up!
for /l %%i in (5,-1,1) do (
echo Restarting server in %%i
choice /t 1 /d y > nul
echo Starting server now
java -server -Xms2G -Xmx10G -XX:permSize=%PERMGEN_SIZE% %JAVA_PARAMETERS% -jar %FORGEJAR% nogui
echo Server process finished
goto :server_loop
echo Exiting...
