When starting a clean install of the Sky Odyssey 1.2.0 Server it simply crashes.
First start it says not enaugh RAM Recommend 5GB (Currently 4GB).
I then changed the Config in the Start.bat to allow 5120M.
Attached you can find the Logs.
Server version 1.1 runs just fine. With some fml allow
I did not move the world or any configuration over as of now but i want to keep the old world in future of course
Windows 10
Java 8 V251
in Mylog.txt you can see some files did not download via the launcher. That might cause issues. Not sure what to do though.
First start it says not enaugh RAM Recommend 5GB (Currently 4GB).
I then changed the Config in the Start.bat to allow 5120M.
Attached you can find the Logs.
Server version 1.1 runs just fine. With some fml allow
I did not move the world or any configuration over as of now but i want to keep the old world in future of course
Windows 10
Java 8 V251
in Mylog.txt you can see some files did not download via the launcher. That might cause issues. Not sure what to do though.
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