FTB Revelation and Advanced Rocketry: no planets

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Can anybody see any planet in the warp controller?

First i can't see the moon. Solved.
Then can't launch rockets. Solved.
Later rockets autolaunch by itself... don't know how... they don't do it anymore. Don't try to fix it if its not broken....
Now i can't see planets....

My general/default and "saved world" config file PlanetsDef.xml only contents earth and moon.

Can i copy that file from somewhere so i can travel to different planets?

Any help will be welcome....

By the way.... Trophy Long Time no Speak?.... This forum is "so awesome" all my problem are already related and solved.... comeeee onnnnn give me a break.... :)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just quit the pack when I made my rockets. Not sure why they included the mod then disabled it if there's issues or What. So I just ragequit :D

I did research for an while and found out it's disabled (couldn't find a why) ...And you can enable it by deleting that file. (Make a copy first) .. it should then regenerate when you relaunch the game. (You may need to delete it from your world save also.) Back up your world save just in cassse


Popular Member
Mar 5, 2016
I'm confused. Revelations has Advanced Rocketry, but the planets are disabled? I get it if it's a lag issue, but why include it in the first place?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well.... i understand you Luke and your "ragequit".
I did research as well to find what the problem was and solved it.
OK, half solved it...
I deleted my planetsdef.xml file (the one in the saved worlds folder), then restarting the game creates a new one. But just the moon.
I copied the file from Age of Engineering modpack... CRASH.
Then realize this file has ores not included in FTB revelations.
I deleted all the lines in the file pointing to ores and their rate generation, and WOW... 3 solar systems and all their planets....
But... then what?... the FTB pack is not designed to use this mod.... all the ores can be found on earth, no need to go visiting planets.
Dilithium is from the moon, Titanium (rutile) is from Ceres, etc... but you can find them below your base. So the mod loses its meaning.

Ok...don´t panic... use the satellites, search for asteroids and mine them, fancy way to get ores.... NOPE.
Observatory is blind so no asteroids can be found and you can´t build satellites...
Satellite Builder won´t accept sensors and solar panels needed to run.... wasted time.

So...yes... it is very disappointing that this awesome mod was included without support for its behavior.

PD: actually playing again with AoE...
PD2: yep i know... my english is bad... selftaugh... trying to improve...work in progress.