FTB PVP youtube examples

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Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2013
So a non ftb pvp I used to roll with is thinking of trying a toned down version of mindcrack. I believe they want to keep their pvp idea going. I've been through old tekkit and now through FTB. I just can't get my head around how mindcrack pvp servers work or even survive. In my head a week's worth of time is gone in like 5 minutes. Just wondering, if there is a mindcrack youtube of proper mindcrack raiding and pvp and how they are setup. And good links?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft isn't tuned for PvP in sandbox mode, and the discrepancy is even worse with large mod packs. I've seen some PvP videos that were more like PvP adventure maps than anything else and those were successful because the designer of the map could regulate things in the name of balance that you just can't do in sandbox mode. There's a reason you're not able to get your head around how Mindcrack PvP servers would work or even survive...it's because they don't.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
There is the infamy modpack. I saw it the other day when I was scrolling through all the packs in the launcher.