Hi I am just setting up a FTB server on a dedicated host that is running multicraft.
I've expanded the zip file and moved the ftbserver.jar into /home/minecraft/multicraft/jar
I then created the directory :/home/minecraft/multicraft/jar/ftbserver.jar.plugins
I then moved all mods (and coremods0 into the plugins directory.
I finally created the ftbserver.jar.conf file with the following settings:
So, did I need to do all of that or was just copying the jar over and making a copy of bukkit enough?
I'd think that the plugins was necessary for the mods... but I'm not 100% sure on this.
If you have setup a FTB in multicraft please comment and let me know what you did to make it work.
EDIT: Nope this didn't work. So any suggestions from someone with experience on this is greatly appreciated.
I've expanded the zip file and moved the ftbserver.jar into /home/minecraft/multicraft/jar
I then created the directory :/home/minecraft/multicraft/jar/ftbserver.jar.plugins
I then moved all mods (and coremods0 into the plugins directory.
I finally created the ftbserver.jar.conf file with the following settings:
name = Mod: FTB
# source = http://www.creeperrepo.net/direct/FTB2/99a4815aa1082c726f55b6b39d181c11/modpacks%5EUltimate%5E1_0_1%5EUltimate_Server.zip
# configSource = http://www.multicraft.org/download/conf/?file=ftbserver.jar.conf
encode = system
decode = system
fileEncoding = latin-1
command = "{JAVA}" -Xmx{MAX_MEMORY}M -Xms{START_MEMORY}M -Djline.terminal=jline.UnsupportedTerminal -jar "{JAR}" nogui
pluginDir = plugins
pluginMatch = \.(jar|zip)$
say = say
list = list
save-on = save-on
save-off = save-off
save-all = save-all
stop = stop
tell = tell
give = give
tp = tp
deop = deop
op = op
pardon-ip = pardon-ip
ban-ip = ban-ip
pardon = pardon
ban = ban
kick = kick
help = help
So, did I need to do all of that or was just copying the jar over and making a copy of bukkit enough?
I'd think that the plugins was necessary for the mods... but I'm not 100% sure on this.
If you have setup a FTB in multicraft please comment and let me know what you did to make it work.
EDIT: Nope this didn't work. So any suggestions from someone with experience on this is greatly appreciated.