Agressive Update Notification does not disable the update notifications! Just makes them non-aggressive... That is, instead of annoying you the right second a new version is released it annoys you only if the new version is two weeks old or if a new major version was released but it still annoys you! So you cant really disable it in the configs! You can use the "checker" command to disable the checking of a specific mod but... it doenst disable checking for updates for that mod. It disables warnings for that version of that mod. If Reika releases a new version for the mod you disabled the checker, you get a new warning and need to disable it again. So... yeah... not possible to disable the warnings. And dont even tell me its a WIP feature. If it is, it should not be released to the public since its annoying. Only he and his acolytes dont realise how stupid and annoying it is!! On a real life work, people get fired for way less.
Dont feel bad for not knowing since its not your fault since there is not documentation about this and the update notification setting is not even on each mod config file as is a common practice. Its on the DragonAPI config file... And.... it doenst work.
Again, Reika made something different because he thinks his way his better(tip: its not), doesnt give any official documentation about a system that would annoy people(what I know comes from Reika replys on reddit) and doesnt give a f**c about the others opinions. And if the first two are the reason why there is a shitstorm on reddit at the moment, the last one is why he his not loved by pack makers. He creates/balances his mods in the context of being the only mods in the game and forces players to play the way he envisions the game. The thing is, his mods are not the only ones and he doesnt allow tweaking so they can be properly balanced for a themed pack. And its a sandbox game, mods are suppose to give content to the game, not to restrict game mechanics and game style to what he thinks his the right way of playing. If I want to tweak/change recipe/disable something in his mod, I should be able to. The days of kitchen sink unbalanced mod packs are gone. Monster packs and like that are gone since now you dont have ID conflicts and all the nightmares it come from them. You want your unbalanced pack, you just make it yourself. Now is the time of HQM/MineTweaker, where packs have a theme, a lore, a story, mods are balanced to work together and give a progression that fits the pack, not the mod. If your mod does not evolve to this new way of moding, it will be left out in the shelf! And that is one of the reasons you dont see many Reika mods in packs.
Let the Reika acolytes come with the pitch forks....
You want to have a debate about reika's policies? Great. Love a nice, clean, thoughtful debate about such things. But move it to the RED thread, not in a news post where it is completely off-topic. The flame baiting is also quite unsavory at the end there.
Also please don't bash reika here. I personally respect her descision to ban minetweaker support but I don't agree with her attitude sometimes. But anyways, that's for the RED thread, not a news post.
I... don't feel bad? I was wrong. I was ignorant about a config setting that fixes the problem decently well. I admitted that mistake and took back what I said about reika's mods. Really, there would be nothing wrong with reika's mods in Infinity. Since the mods in the pack are not tweaked unless absolutely necessary, it should be fine. However, I don't think it would quite fit well with the current modset. Rotarycraft really just needs to be in a pack built around it or it easily becomes bloated. Also, iirc, infinity was produced only with mods that FTB already has permissions to use, meaning any mod that gives global or FTB-specific permissions. Reika does not, not that there's anything wrong with that.
Nuno, I don't know exactly where you've been, but nobody documents config features. I tried, but I didn't get very far on my own and interest was lukewarm at best. Also, if you can't stand a "your mod is out-of-date" notification once in a while, then you're playing the wrong game. Damn near every mod does that when you load into a world, now. Fastcraft, Team CoFH mods, BuildCraft, the list goes on. Can ya turn most of 'em off? Yeah, but do most people bother? No, because most people have the ability to tune things out by the time they reach kindergarten. Reika's notification doesn't impede your gameplay in any manner, he doesn't keep you from playing with his mods, he just tells you that you're out of date. Don't like the notification? Ignore it. It really isn't that hard.
Correct, nobody documents the things, or if they do they do it in the file. But seriously though, what else could agressive update notifications mean?
With the out of date notifications, a prime example is botania, which has very frequent updates an tells you each time, but with an entertaining message. However, if it does so via the banner, then yeah that's rather annoying, seeing as it can screw with shader effects. If it's through a chat message, then there is absolutely no problem with that. Everyone does that and it's useful and really easy to just ignore. Everyone already does ignore them. But the banner doesn't go away after a few seconds. It's always there, ticking across the top of your screen, constantly moving, a lot harder to ignore.