Request FTB Monster automatic farms

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Hey there,
I was wondering how I would go about creating an automatic wheat farm in ftb monster. It does not feature the farm block so I am kinda lost. I've read about a set up with golems but I think it creates vis which is bad?
Please link me to a guide if you can, preferably with pictures and not a video as I am currently in a hospital and have limited wifi.

Thank you!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You can find info about how Forestry does farming nowadays on its wiki:

The farm is a multiblock that can be built in different sizes and defaults to tree farm, but can be configured by soldering electron tubes to circuit boards. The wiki has everything you need to know (note the navigation to the left, there are multiple pages dedicated to the farms).

For farming wheat, I recommend a manual mode crop farm. Despite being named "manual", it will actually harvest and replant everything automatically, you just need to set up the farmland and plant the first round of wheat yourself. I consider this an advantage because you can choose yourself where you place the water required for irrigation, while the fully automatic variant will place water itself and will usually do it quite inefficiently.

You should also have access to Steve's Carts, which can also do wheat farming:

And well, Loxin already covered MFR.


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
For a golem powered farm, if you want to go that route, you'll need a pair of golems.

Simply set up your farm as normal (about 9x9 is about perfectly sized for a golem farm imo, but you can get away with a little bigger)

Then get yourself a straw golem and any kind of golem, along with an order upgrade, a harvest core and a gather core.
The second kind of golem is up to you, but i'd suggest a wood or flesh one. You could optionally give this golem earth or air upgrades to increase how many items it can carry or how fast it is respectively.

Place the straw golem around the center of the farm, give it the order upgrade (do this first or it'll run around uprooting everything) then give it the harvest core. Place your other golem on the side of the chest, and give it the gather core. (You can also use other item retrieval methods such as item vacuums or vacuum hoppers, but the latter has a fairly short range and probibly won't cover the entirety of the farm by itself.)
The main caveat to the golem farm is that the golems don't partically like water too much. (EDIT: The only flux you could get from golems is any made in the production of them, and that's probibly not going to cause you any issues. Once set up they have no running costs at all.)

There is another option, which is fairly cheap, but could be a little cpu intensive is the rotarycraft fans. Powering them for crop harvesting is simple, give it power from a steam engine (rotarycraft one). To get the steam engine to work you just give it water from the back, and put lit netherrack underneath it. That'll power the fan forever once it heats up. They have a range of about 10 blocks iirc, and you'll want one fan per row of crops. The fans will harvest any grown crops, replant them and blow the produce along. Put a wall at the end, along with some item collection method (and you have alot to choose from in monster) and there's your farm. While on the subject of Rotarycraft, I'm not sure if this is in the version of Rotarycraft you have on monster, but I think you can grind the wheat in the rotarycraft grinder into 4 flour, which you can then smelt for 1 bread each.