Whitelist Server FTB Monster 1.1.2 [No Banned Items/Mods] [Blood Magic] [Carpenter's Blocks] [Mature] [Dedicated 8gb]

  • This section is now closed. Server owners can remake their threads in the new server section here. If you are looking for a server you can use both this section and the new section for the time being.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
in-game name: emimi100
Favorite Mods: Thaumcraft for the best looking mod. Any tech mod in general + ComputerCraft. Well, I'm experienced with almost every mod.
Age: (18+) 19
Why you are interested in joining the sever: I've been looking for a small mature community on this modpack and it's the only one interesting to me in the list of Monster's whitelisted servers.
Which country are you from?: Belgium but the french accent doesn't not exist.
A bit about you: I study Computer Science at the university of Brussels, I play Piano, I like classical music, I play minecraft since beta 1.3 and modded since the start of FTB. I like video games.
Do you like to play with a community?: As answered above, I hate to play alone, I don't like big community, I like to be able to talk with everyone, I like to do community projects :)

I'm sorry, I saw the whitelist is closed now, but I'm still hoping you'll read through my application.
I'm looking forward to play with you.

Accepted as i liked your app, but any further apps i probably will not accept as i had the white-list closed.