Operating System and bit type: MAC OS-X 10.9.1
Java version/update and bit type: Java 7 Update 45 (64-Bit) [1.7.0_45]
Launcher version: Feed the Beast Launcher v1.3.2
Console log, pastebin.com link: http://pastebin.com/Zjs7gVwz
Description of the Issue:
If I start the modpack the launcher downloads it but right after it get stuck with the console message:
1.5.2 Modpacks under Java 6 are working, the issue is only on the 1.6 ones
Java version/update and bit type: Java 7 Update 45 (64-Bit) [1.7.0_45]
Launcher version: Feed the Beast Launcher v1.3.2
Console log, pastebin.com link: http://pastebin.com/Zjs7gVwz
Description of the Issue:
If I start the modpack the launcher downloads it but right after it get stuck with the console message:
dirs mk'd
debug: retaining modpack file ...