FTB Launcher not displaying versions

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New Member
Sep 3, 2020
I was playing Stoneblock 2 on Twitch and it just stopped working, so I got the FTB app. My problem is when I go to download Stoneblock 2, the only version for literally any modpack on the FTB app for me is 1.12.2 except for 1 pack on 1.15 and 1 on 1.14... What have I done wrong? I attempted to reinstall everything multiple times, enable preview versions in settings, and I don't know what to do. I can launch the pack just fine on 1.12.2, but I need to be on 1.16. Please help, thank you!

Edit: I am playing on a brand new macbook pro. I have Java installed and there are no updates for anything needed


Popular Member
Aug 24, 2013
FTB app and Twitch app are two totally different things. Availability of packs between the two is... vastly different.

Also, the packs are made specifically for the Minecraft version the mods are compatible with. There are currently no 1.16 packs available, (unless All The Mods pack is out, and even then it would NOT be stable) so you can not launch 1.12 packs in Minecraft v.1.16... The packs only work for the version they were made for.

Hope that helps