Title FTB Launcher Freezing
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack Not Applicable
Modpack version Not Applicable
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file https://pastebin.com/Z8sfAtKJ
Details of the issue In need of some help. My launcher has been freezing during loading. It freezes with the splash logo still on screen and the loading bar at about 85-90% and the console stops as well. It stays like this and I am not able to launch any modpacks & it does this every time I open the launcher.
It was working fine a couple weeks ago, and I've been too busy to play, now that I've got the time I can't even launch it. Nothing has changed on my PC, I haven't installed any new programs or made changes to the settings, and I have not made any changes to my Java install.
So far, I've tried rebooting my computer and I tried launching the game from my Backup of the original JAR file (I made a backup of all the original files before I even played)
Any help in getting my launcher working again would be appreciated.
Launcher Type FTB Launcher
Modpack Not Applicable
Modpack version Not Applicable
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file https://pastebin.com/Z8sfAtKJ
Details of the issue In need of some help. My launcher has been freezing during loading. It freezes with the splash logo still on screen and the loading bar at about 85-90% and the console stops as well. It stays like this and I am not able to launch any modpacks & it does this every time I open the launcher.
It was working fine a couple weeks ago, and I've been too busy to play, now that I've got the time I can't even launch it. Nothing has changed on my PC, I haven't installed any new programs or made changes to the settings, and I have not made any changes to my Java install.
So far, I've tried rebooting my computer and I tried launching the game from my Backup of the original JAR file (I made a backup of all the original files before I even played)
Any help in getting my launcher working again would be appreciated.
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