Hey everyone, I've googled around and looked through these forums for an answer but can't find any so I hope it's ok if I ask it here.
For the 100 million EU challenge in FTB Insanity, is it actually 100 million?
I've filled up 11 MFSU's and emptied them through a long (about 60 blocks) fiber cable into the transformer behind the throne but nothing is happening. All my MFSU's are drained and it's not like I have anything running that could've stolen more than 50k or so from the output during the time I emptied them.
The gauge on the back of the throne is only about 25% full and in the end I decided to open up the floor to check if something went wrong inside the pyramid. I found the MFSU's storing the power in there and to my dismay only found 3 of them full instead of the 10 required.
I've read fiber cable only loses 1EU/t every 40 blocks, that couldn't have been the drain could it? I'm not sure what went wrong.
I saw that internally the pyramid uses quite a couple 4x insulated HV cables to transport it's energy, is the pyramid itself losing power during the transfer perhaps?
I've filled up the MFSU's on my side with a HV solar array so you can imagine it takes quite a bit of time for it to fill them up. Others do it with nuclear but I'd like to keep away from that if I can.
Could it be because my MFSU's are hooked up in a grid-pattern instead of in a line? That was the problem with my buildcraft power central a while ago. But I didn't think fiber cables would have the same problem that pipes have.
For the 100 million EU challenge in FTB Insanity, is it actually 100 million?
I've filled up 11 MFSU's and emptied them through a long (about 60 blocks) fiber cable into the transformer behind the throne but nothing is happening. All my MFSU's are drained and it's not like I have anything running that could've stolen more than 50k or so from the output during the time I emptied them.
The gauge on the back of the throne is only about 25% full and in the end I decided to open up the floor to check if something went wrong inside the pyramid. I found the MFSU's storing the power in there and to my dismay only found 3 of them full instead of the 10 required.
I've read fiber cable only loses 1EU/t every 40 blocks, that couldn't have been the drain could it? I'm not sure what went wrong.
I saw that internally the pyramid uses quite a couple 4x insulated HV cables to transport it's energy, is the pyramid itself losing power during the transfer perhaps?
I've filled up the MFSU's on my side with a HV solar array so you can imagine it takes quite a bit of time for it to fill them up. Others do it with nuclear but I'd like to keep away from that if I can.
Could it be because my MFSU's are hooked up in a grid-pattern instead of in a line? That was the problem with my buildcraft power central a while ago. But I didn't think fiber cables would have the same problem that pipes have.