FTB Infinity Evolved Skyblock

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Created a spawner room for skeletons which is a oversized 9x9 conveyor belt floor with a small drop through witchwater signs to convert to wither skeles. it's been running for maybe 20 minutes with a cleaver with beheading 4 and flux in a autonomous activator doing all the killing and I already have 7 stacks of wither skeleton heads.

Thanks for the tip. Just replaced my diamond spike with a full shiny cleaver in an AA - already up to 40 skulls.
I've set up a logistics pipes system to craft a bunch of things. However I notice more and more that things seem to get stuck. For instance, when I try to auto craft Electrical Steel, it will input 2 of the 3 items into the Alloy Smelter but the coal dust gets lost and then the system "hangs" (alloy smelter can't be used anymore because there's 2/3 items in there).

Same thing with the crafters. I set up all the crafters needed to make Hardened Solar Panels, but for some reason when I request them it will start crafting a bunch of glass, then forget about the rest of the crafting. Glass gets made, the system still thinks it's making the solar panel (that's what the statistics table tells me) but it doesn't continue.

I'm not very well versed with LP (used it years ago). Could anyone enlighten me a little?
I've set up a logistics pipes system to craft a bunch of things. However I notice more and more that things seem to get stuck. For instance, when I try to auto craft Electrical Steel, it will input 2 of the 3 items into the Alloy Smelter but the coal dust gets lost and then the system "hangs" (alloy smelter can't be used anymore because there's 2/3 items in there).

Same thing with the crafters. I set up all the crafters needed to make Hardened Solar Panels, but for some reason when I request them it will start crafting a bunch of glass, then forget about the rest of the crafting. Glass gets made, the system still thinks it's making the solar panel (that's what the statistics table tells me) but it doesn't continue.

I'm not very well versed with LP (used it years ago). Could anyone enlighten me a little?

are you importing the items correctly after the crafting?
you have to let the crafting pipe that ordered the crafting do it, otherwise the system thinks it isn't done yet.
are you importing the items correctly after the crafting?
you have to let the crafting pipe that ordered the crafting do it, otherwise the system thinks it isn't done yet.

This seems to help a bit, thanks. The pulverizer, alloy smelter and redstone furnace work a lot better this way, though I did have to use a bunch of satellite pipes.

Still though, this happens: when I request a solar panel, but there's no glass in the system (there is sand), it'll start making glass. Once the glass is done, it won't continue crafting though. I must be doing something horribly wrong :<
This seems to help a bit, thanks. The pulverizer, alloy smelter and redstone furnace work a lot better this way, though I did have to use a bunch of satellite pipes.

Still though, this happens: when I request a solar panel, but there's no glass in the system (there is sand), it'll start making glass. Once the glass is done, it won't continue crafting though. I must be doing something horribly wrong :<

this sounds like the system still thinks that it is crafting glass.
are you absolutely sure that you are storing the glass somewhere the system can acces it, and that you are not using an extractor pipe or servo or something like that to pump the glass back into the crafting netwerk after crafting?
This seems to help a bit, thanks. The pulverizer, alloy smelter and redstone furnace work a lot better this way, though I did have to use a bunch of satellite pipes.

Still though, this happens: when I request a solar panel, but there's no glass in the system (there is sand), it'll start making glass. Once the glass is done, it won't continue crafting though. I must be doing something horribly wrong :<

No idea if this is your problem, but you have to be careful using extractor modules/pipes on machines.

I thought I was being super smart in dealing with secondary outputs on my crafting pulveriser by setting one face to yellow (secondary output only) and putting an extractor on it. But I kept getting crafting jobs hanging incomplete on pulverised materials, i.e. a crafting job would send 8 coal to be pulverised, it would register 7 of them as complete but still be waiting for one, and the crafting job would hang until I manually put an extra piece of coal in. It turns out that the extractor modules/pipes default to being 'sneaky' which means they will extract from all sides of the machine they are connected to, not just the connected face, and sometimes it was grabbing a primary output which meant the crafting module didn't pull it, and thus didn't mark the crafting as having completed.

The fix was to configure the extractor and set it to only pull from the side configured as the secondary output. Note that the side selection is the side of the machine, not the side of the pipe.
this sounds like the system still thinks that it is crafting glass.
are you absolutely sure that you are storing the glass somewhere the system can acces it, and that you are not using an extractor pipe or servo or something like that to pump the glass back into the crafting netwerk after crafting?

Well... I think I'm sure ;) If I wait until the glass is done and then request the solar panels again, they'll craft just fine (and the glass also shows up fine in the request table). But then the status display will still report that it's crafting the solar panels I requested before...

I kind of want to solve this just because LP looks so cool, but I'm almost at the AE2 stage (I think, this skyblock has surprised me in the past).
Are you initiating these crafting requests from a Logistics Request table? If so then I recommend making a 'logistics pipe controller' and a 'crafting monitoring upgrade'. Hold the controller in your hand and right-click on the request table, this will allow you to insert the upgrade into the table. The table will now have an extra UI element displaying all crafting jobs initiated by the table. You can click on each one and get a graphical representation of the entire crafting job, this allows you to verify the precise step that it is currently 'hung' on.

I only mention this because sometimes it's not getting stuck where you think it is. For example, perhaps your sand storage isn't being provided properly and when you are requesting a job containing glass it's actually pulverising gravel into sand, and ihe problem is happening there. Just an example.
This seems to help a bit, thanks. The pulverizer, alloy smelter and redstone furnace work a lot better this way, though I did have to use a bunch of satellite pipes.

Still though, this happens: when I request a solar panel, but there's no glass in the system (there is sand), it'll start making glass. Once the glass is done, it won't continue crafting though. I must be doing something horribly wrong :<
Make sure machines are not auto-exporting, its the creafting pipe job to extract the item.

Also, when using TE, there are some consideration to take. Check the LP mod integration wiki: http://rs485.network/wiki/Mod_Integration#Thermal_Expansion
Make sure machines are not auto-exporting, its the creafting pipe job to extract the item.

Also, when using TE, there are some consideration to take. Check the LP mod integration wiki: http://rs485.network/wiki/Mod_Integration#Thermal_Expansion
This seems to help. Still getting stuck, but less now. I'll keep you updated :)

On a side note, now my transfer nodes have stopped looking for valid inventories >_< Scratch that, broke it and put it back and now it works...
Only if you want the Endermen to teleport away. The entire purpose of this multi-spawner is to allow for options... a sticky piston to have a shorter fall for farming heads/XP, long fall to weed out trash mobs, etc.
It is better to do a separate trap for endermen or some type of mob spawning.

Side Note: 1 of my viewers says he is on the newest update and he tried to grow MFR rubber tree but they would not grow. He then tried what I suggested and bonemeal them when they switch to some other sapling. Anyone else having this problem on the new update? Is it a bug or something changed in the pack?
It is better to do a separate trap for endermen or some type of mob spawning.
The spawn/drop combo tower I started with was a great starting point, but as noted here, the need to have dedicated spawners for Slimes, spiders and Endermen will rapidly make it obsolete.

The important thing to know/remember, get a grinder on your passive spawner ASAP and start filling drums with Essence. You will need those Drums as the transition essence supply for your spawners.
Things I learned so far for smoothest (early/mid) IES experience:

1) Using your first Resonant Machine block to make Ender Tank Frames will make your life MUCH easier. A combination of Ender Chest, Ender Pouch, Remote Orderer, and Request Logistics pipe means having total access to everything in your LP network from anyplace in your base.

2) Renaming your Pouch and ender chest at a tool forge will allow you to have multiple "ender frequencies" within the same color code and allow you to have Named systems on your hot-bar. Example: "Inc." chest connected to a Request Pipe and "Sort" connected to a Quicksort or Extractor pipe, those two Pouches(along with the remote orderer) are amazing!

3) Start an automated Sieving line for EndStone and Soulsand ASAP. You will need the Draconium and Ghast tears (also process a LOT of Netherrack if you want Cobalt/ardite but Draconium is slower with NR).

4) Galgadorian will be a monster pain, Ghast tears, Slime balls, Brown Mushrooms, and Spider Eyes are all needed in HUGE quantities. (You need 54 Ghast tears to start ME)

5) Once you have a harvester set up, put your witch water -> Soulsand farm in it's range, you will harvest more than enough brown mushrooms while you are sieving for Ghast tears.
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The spawn/drop combo tower I started with was a great starting point, but as noted here, the need to have dedicated spawners for Slimes, spiders and Endermen will rapidly make it obsolete.

The important thing to know/remember, get a grinder on your passive spawner ASAP and start filling drums with Essence. You will need those Drums as the transition essence supply for your spawners.

I dont get all the mob spawners. I am constructing a nuclear reactor from ic2 without ever building more than a simple dark room.
I simply set up an automted cow milker, put the milk into water barrels in the same way your soul sand farm works, and voila, slime.
Thats how I got my seed, but after running my spawner I had 300+ slimeballs in an hour or two, and the spawner can be repurposed at any time.
If you want to get crazy with ghast tears, just make a squid farm where they drop into witch water. It's insane.

Sent from my Redmi Note 2 using Tapatalk
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If you want to get crazy with ghast tears, just make a squid farm where they drop into witch water. It's insane.

Nice!! I was already planning to convert the bottom of one of my Water Wheels into a drop trap for the squids that spawn! Love this!