Title FTB Infinity Evolved Server Crash
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack FTB Infinity Evolved
Modpack version 2.6.0
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/25174bea
Details of the issue I am attempting to run a server for my friend and I through Hamachi, as our campus blocks LAN. I was able to do it with Hermit pack, but we decided to play this pack instead. I followed the same procedure I did with Hermit pack and the server crashes after it starts loading the mods and won't create a world for the server.
Launcher Type Curse App
Modpack FTB Infinity Evolved
Modpack version 2.6.0
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file http://paste.feed-the-beast.com/view/25174bea
Details of the issue I am attempting to run a server for my friend and I through Hamachi, as our campus blocks LAN. I was able to do it with Hermit pack, but we decided to play this pack instead. I followed the same procedure I did with Hermit pack and the server crashes after it starts loading the mods and won't create a world for the server.
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