So you can use AE2 to automate a thaumatorium, and you can feed it with an essentia provider. You can automate distillation using arcane alembics fed via whatever system of pipes you choose, paired with essentia patterns for interfaces.
But how do you make your AE2 system request essentia distillation upon reaching a set threshold?
For example, if I want to always keep a minimum of 1,000 praecantatio, how do I set my system to send more items to distill when it hits 999 without blasting my distillation system? Perhaps I'll just have to set up my system for manual requests and check in on it every now and then to make sure I'm above my needs? I suppose I could even hook up a "check engine" light of sorts in that case.
With items, it's easy enough to set up an interface to hold up to 64 items in one stack and throw a storage bus on it, or set up a level emitter on an automated farm link to my system so it pulls in items when it's low and shuts down once the threshold is passed. I did this with my rubber tree farm so I always have a backlog of rubber and rubber wood ready to pull into my ME system. But that's a matter of opening up a generic piping system input, not opening up a targeted item output.
But how do you make your AE2 system request essentia distillation upon reaching a set threshold?
For example, if I want to always keep a minimum of 1,000 praecantatio, how do I set my system to send more items to distill when it hits 999 without blasting my distillation system? Perhaps I'll just have to set up my system for manual requests and check in on it every now and then to make sure I'm above my needs? I suppose I could even hook up a "check engine" light of sorts in that case.
With items, it's easy enough to set up an interface to hold up to 64 items in one stack and throw a storage bus on it, or set up a level emitter on an automated farm link to my system so it pulls in items when it's low and shuts down once the threshold is passed. I did this with my rubber tree farm so I always have a backlog of rubber and rubber wood ready to pull into my ME system. But that's a matter of opening up a generic piping system input, not opening up a targeted item output.