FTB Infinity Evolved 2.5.0 Memory Leak?

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I recently downloaded and installed FTB again. I used the Infinity Evolved 2.5.0 modpack. I set the Max RAM to 4gb. I've noticed that the memory usage of FTB usually starts at 2gb on first load, and slowly works it's way to 4gb, and then passes 4gb. Last night i actually had it go all the way to 11gb, setting my memory usage to 99%, i have 16gb of RAM on my machine.

While looking for possible causes i noticed i had a 294MB minecraft log file. Mostly full of journeymap warnings of failing to find uid's for blocks.

Is there a known memory leak in this modpack? Are there some mods i can disable, to stop this leak?

The world is biomes-o-plenty, creative, on peaceful.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Minecraft as a whole tends to use a bit over double the RAM you allocate to it in the launcher. I've seen some people complain about JourneyMap before, but mostly just about it being CPU intensive (I've noticed a massive FPS jump if I disable it from packs, but I love what it does, so I usually deal with it). You might try disabling JourneyMap to see what happens. If that ends up being the culprit, there are a number of other map mods you can use in its place, which shouldn't affect the playability of the pack.


I updated journeymap to 5.1.4p1 and the memory leak doesn't seem as bad. I was able to play for a few hours without going over 5gb. I also closed the launcher console. IDK if that helped or not.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I have the same problem before and I noticed that if there is some log spam happening. Which wawla and journey map seems to do but after I report an issue to wawla about the spam which involving adventure backpack and updated the journey map my log usually stays stable after the world load no other log appearing. And the lag spikes because the memory usage is gone.

Before I was having some lag spikes because of that so I'm guessing closing up the console doesn't affect much IMO since the log whether it is displayed or not still logging the game.

If you can discover what seems causing the spam and maybe report it or fix it will definitely help with memory usage. Now my 4gb allocated ram never pass the amount of the allocated ram. Before it can rise up to around 5gb which makes the lag spikes a headache and make me have to close the game and reopen it to play.

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