FTB Infinity 2.5.0 AE2 stock recipes in expert mode

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB Infinity 2.5.0 AE2 stock recipes in expert mode
Launcher Version:
Curse 7.1.6010.41030
FTB Infinity Evolved
Modpack Version:
Log Link:
Details of the issue:
I can't get AE2 in the 2.5.0 FTB Infinity modpack to have expert mode recipes..tried reinstalling fresh from the Curse Client, but nothing, even in expert, I've got stock normal recipes.
Is there a fix?? I didn't do anything to the modpack, just installed and played. Thank you in advance!
/ftb_mode set expert

Type the above command into chat and it will change it to expert mode. The reason is that's it not set to expert mode by default.
/ftb_mode set expert

Type the above command into chat and it will change it to expert mode. The reason is that's it not set to expert mode by default.

I know I know...but even in expert mode the recipes are all stock, but just for some mods
There's a Minetweaker command to reload all scripts, but I can't remember it now.

EDIT: The command is /minetweaker reload
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Well tried that and didn't work! I tried everything I can think of..forcing update, forcing MC on java64, trying on a stock world (not BOP, since some people had issues with that), trying from curse launcher anche from FTB launcher: NOTHING, many recipes stay stock, but not all of them..I don't know what else to do! PLEASE HELP
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I kinda figured it out..I opened Minecraft\Instances\FTB Infinity Evolved\modpack\expert\scripts folder, and then opened the AE2 Script with notepad..it seems only few recipes are changed, and for few I mean 5, and even those, are stock recipes...That could be the problem for me

I don't know why I don't have the correct scripts, I didn't change anything after the download and of course, I downloaded from the original Curse Client..If anyone would be so kind to zip and send me the SCRIPTS folder from expert, it would be much appreciated!