Knowledge of how to use mods: Medium-high knowledge of mods (depends on mod) I am constantly learning new things about mods and am working on new inventions in minecraft

Timezone:Central Timezone
What times will I be on?: In my timezone, usually early about 7:00am-10:00pm, or 11:00pm. IF my grandparents leave the internet on I may pull an all-niter just to be on the server longer. Sometimes I wake up at 4:00am so I'll probably be on by 5:00am if that happens.It happens quite often though.
Why we should let you join?: I mostly play on servers to help people. I tend to look for a server that has decent people who are open to having help, then I get them what they want and try my best to please them. I may stay on the server if they are nice to me and don't mind me asking "Does anyone need anything?" every once in a while. I am very nice, and try my best to do the right thing. If you let me join I'd be delighted to. I've never been on a whitelist server but I want to because there will be little to no griefing there, hopefully.
Do I have Teamspeak? Yes, and the name on it is Bethany0102
Do I grief?: No , quite frankly I don't get the point of destroying or taking ones stuff it really takes the fun out of the game and really over all makes me feel really bad and want to leave because I've done something wrong. And I don't want to leave a whitelisted server if I'm lucky enough to join it

I hope you'll accept my application to join the server. If I join the first thing I'll probably do is ask if anyone would like me to do anything for them, before I do anything for myself. Although, if I go mining for somebody I can get the stuff they didn't request and use it, so it works out pretty well. Also, I am not one of the players who constantly ask for things, I only ask if I con't get that item because I'm in a cave or something of the sort. For example: I'm in a cave and don't have torches nor wood, so I may ask for torches. Anyway, I hope you'll accept; if not, it's okay. I have been looking for a ftb Daybreaker server all day but the ones with no whitelist aren't very good, usually a lot of griefers. I end with this, Thank you for reading my application. Also, if you'd like to ask me anything email me at:
[email protected], or you can message me on the Ftb forum

. I just keep editing this and adding more haha. If you accept my application, should I or should I not use my Vattic's faithful 32x32 modpack on the server? If you'd prefer it I will not use a texture pack at all. Also if I do get accepted, could I have a wood shop? Oh, I do love chopping down trees, it makes me so happy to chop them down, I love the sound of the wood breaking and the whole experience! Sorry that my application is so long, I just really want to be part of the server, also if I made some grammar mistakes and typos, sorry, my grammar isn't perfect and neither is my keyboarding.