FTB Horizons: Daybreaker Discussion

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Anyone know of a crafting table that holds your items when you exit the GUI of it?

Blue Power's Project Table works for me. It has an internal inventory, kind of like the Forestry Worktable, but it only remembers the most recent crafting recipe, instead of the last nine items crafted.
Since we're apparently in Q&A mode here, I've got a couple of questions. So far I've been living out of my normal hole in the wall base, but I want to start expanding. That means I need ways to move items and power around without running miles of cable and conduits. What are my options?

So far, I think Quantum Flux is the way to go for wireless, transdimensional RF power.

Are Ender Chests and Ender Tanks the only way to move items and liquids long distances? If so, that's fine, but I've used those before so if there's something different to use, I'd like to give it a try.

Once I get things where they're going, I've been using Refined Relocation's pipes (I think they're called relocators) for moving blocks, and Mekanism fluid and power conduits. Are there alternatives I should look into before I build too much infrastructure?
Also on the "saves inventory" crafting front is the iBench, which is both portable and retains items in its grid.

As for the question of infrastructure for moving things and such... BluePower tubes are an option for item movement as well, and of course the ExU pipes are in too. I haven't messed too much with long distance transit quite yet, in part because I haven't gotten more than 500m out in any direction from my spawn still (unless you count the moon base.. cough), so I'll have to get back on that.
Ender Tanks are probably still the best for long-distance movement, but in terms of long-distance item transport, you might be able to use the RFTools remote storage. In terms of energy... I've no idea yet. I feel like Mekanism has something - I'll do some hunting.
Check out silicio for your infrastructure. Similar to ender io conduits except you only need to make one kind of cable.
What about Minechem?

Its pretty cool mod, and i havent seen it in any FTB public or semi public packs (dunno bout HQM packs)
kinda like chemical and not as op version on ee3 emc system maybe? (thats how i see)
basically, you can convert stuff into what its made of, and with those, create other stuff, in a really logical way

( http://jakimfett.github.io/Minechem/ | http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/73373-minechem )

i dont personally have too much experience with it, but it looks cool
I prefer Matter Overdrive myself. Minechem always seemed kinda clunky to me; my inventory/AE system always gets clogged with tons of chemicals (and apparently nothing I say can convince people to NOT dump their arbitrary compounds into my moonputer :mad:). Stuff that should be easy to get - like sugar cane - somehow requires this super complex chemical formula containing random stuff from other dimensions, while diamonds are just a bunch of coal. :confused:

With Matter Overdrive, you need 5 of an item in order to replicate it with good efficiency. Stuff is based off of a generic unit of 'matter,' which doesn't seem very well balanced yet, and also doesn't have very good crossmod compatibility, but that can come with time/config edits. :)

EDIT: I feel like Gideon liked this just for the phasers bit... XD
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I haven't checked 1.0.2 yet and couldn't find a changelog, but has there already been an update for the EE3 values? Cuz I keep putting relatively normal values in, but sometimes he just doesn't want to use the value... for some reason "itemName": "minecraft:redstone_torch". Could be this is an oreblock, but didn't find any documentation on it (Searched for like a few minutes and I'm comfortable with what I have), but things like
"oreName": "mekanism:item.osmiumIngot" AKA Mekanaism don't work for me.

For those interested:
I really only added a few, but there are some things EE3 calculates automatically, such as it now knows drawers since it can make chests.
I used the id names I found in the github folder, so there shouldn't be much wrong with them, thermal foundation doesn't work by the way

The changes to the values I made are (somewhat) organized below the
Down the document
Stuff that should be easy to get - like sugar cane - somehow requires this super complex chemical formula containing random stuff from other dimensions, while diamonds are just a bunch of coal. :confused:
Not saying this makes sense from a gameplay perspective, because it totally doesn't, but it's actually justified. In real life, you can turn your cremated drunk aunt Cheryl into a diamond with enough pressure and heat, whereas in order to synthesize sugar cane, well...there's a reason we farm the stuff ;)
Not saying this makes sense from a gameplay perspective, because it totally doesn't, but it's actually justified. In real life, you can turn your cremated drunk aunt Cheryl into a diamond with enough pressure and heat, whereas in order to synthesize sugar cane, well...there's a reason we farm the stuff ;)
I know, I should have mentioned that; but let's face it, real life isn't terribly well balanced. I mean, nukes are definitely a game-breaker, guys...
Found a duplicate bug. I'm using the large sorting alchemy chest. If you set one to say dust or ingots and another in the same line as white last, then you put the item you're duping into the white list chest it dupes. It puts a copy of everything in the filtered chest and puts the original in your inventory.

Not sure if this glitches from ee or refined relocation but the chest is labeled as refined relocation

Edit, I'm lazy haven't updated so this is still 1.0. All the chests in the line are large alchemy chest.
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Downloaded this the other night and have tinkered about a bit, explored the world gen, and started a quite Vanilla base. I'm both excited and frustrated to not have any idea what I'm doing again. Honestly, I'm not sure how to even crack into this - it seems I've grown a slave to habits, and I'm missing nearly every crutch I trust to hold weight. Not that that is a bad thing, necessarily.

First Impressions:
The world looks nice, although it seems a bit empty after a pack like Infinity (a bunch of mods in that pack add structures, Nodes, and notable landmarks). The flowing streams are quite a nice touch, although I find myself wishing they were more spread out. I've settled adjacent to some streams, but this single 5x5 chunk area is filled with them, looking haphazard. I know its WIP, and I like what they have accomplished thus far - here's to more improvement.

If I have one complaint with my world, its that oil is everywhere. Not just GalactiCraft geysers, although I have seen a pair of those, but liquid oil is in small flows in most chunks just above sea level. I'm sure once I figure out the mods I'll be grateful, but for now it just sullies up my crisp clean landscape.

Ore distribution seems decent, as I've found a nice balance of ore for each mod this far. I began my quarrying by hand in the edge of a mountain, and was surprised at how much ore I was able to accumulate prior to reaching bedrock. I hit a cave system which was lined with ores, but it was also full of baddies that I was unprepared to engage fully. I'll arm up and return soon enough.

Something I always look for in a new pack is a way to move spawners. I saw earlier in this thread that the Mek Cardboard Box can move chests. Does it work with spawners (and other things like TC Nodes)?
So the spectre key is a no? Is there a way to get that working, or is it out due to unfixable things?
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but Blights from Difficult Life are not showing up on JourneyMaps radar. Blights appear to be vanilla mobs that get upgraded randomly when they spawn. I would chalk this up to the fact that they are invisible (though the armor they wear is visible and they are wreathed in flame), but I have seen invisible mobs from other mods showing on the radar in different modpacks (like some AoA mobs in Departed).
What about Minechem?

Its pretty cool mod, and i havent seen it in any FTB public or semi public packs (dunno bout HQM packs)
kinda like chemical and not as op version on ee3 emc system maybe? (thats how i see)
basically, you can convert stuff into what its made of, and with those, create other stuff, in a really logical way

( http://jakimfett.github.io/Minechem/ | http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/73373-minechem )

i dont personally have too much experience with it, but it looks cool
Yeah, I'll see about it. But then again, it's not like I was particularly concerned about things being OP in this pack. I mean, we've got Matter Overdrive, EE3, and that Quantum Flux armour makes you practically invincible. Not to mention the like instant-mining with Redstonic.
EDIT: I feel like Gideon liked this just for the phasers bit... XD
You know me too well :P
I haven't checked 1.0.2 yet and couldn't find a changelog, but has there already been an update for the EE3 values? Cuz I keep putting relatively normal values in, but sometimes he just doesn't want to use the value... for some reason "itemName": "minecraft:redstone_torch". Could be this is an oreblock, but didn't find any documentation on it (Searched for like a few minutes and I'm comfortable with what I have), but things like
"oreName": "mekanism:item.osmiumIngot" AKA Mekanaism don't work for me.

For those interested:
I really only added a few, but there are some things EE3 calculates automatically, such as it now knows drawers since it can make chests.
I used the id names I found in the github folder, so there shouldn't be much wrong with them, thermal foundation doesn't work by the way

The changes to the values I made are (somewhat) organized below the
Down the document
I'll put these into the base pack once I'm able to do that, but for now, I'll link it in the first post of this thread. Thank you so much!

I believe the problem with Thermal Foundation due to the thermal foundation stuff being named something ridiculous like "thermalfoundation:material:(metadata)", with them all sharing the same base item ID but different meta. For Mekanism, try doing it as an itemstack instead of orestack.
Found a duplicate bug. I'm using the large sorting alchemy chest. If you set one to say dust or ingots and another in the same line as white last, then you put the item you're duping into the white list chest it dupes. It puts a copy of everything in the filtered chest and puts the original in your inventory.

Not sure if this glitches from ee or refined relocation but the chest is labeled as refined relocation

Edit, I'm lazy haven't updated so this is still 1.0. All the chests in the line are large alchemy chest.
Yeah, it'll probably still be happening later. I'll get this reported to the authors.
Downloaded this the other night and have tinkered about a bit, explored the world gen, and started a quite Vanilla base. I'm both excited and frustrated to not have any idea what I'm doing again. Honestly, I'm not sure how to even crack into this - it seems I've grown a slave to habits, and I'm missing nearly every crutch I trust to hold weight. Not that that is a bad thing, necessarily.

First Impressions:
The world looks nice, although it seems a bit empty after a pack like Infinity (a bunch of mods in that pack add structures, Nodes, and notable landmarks). The flowing streams are quite a nice touch, although I find myself wishing they were more spread out. I've settled adjacent to some streams, but this single 5x5 chunk area is filled with them, looking haphazard. I know its WIP, and I like what they have accomplished thus far - here's to more improvement.

If I have one complaint with my world, its that oil is everywhere. Not just GalactiCraft geysers, although I have seen a pair of those, but liquid oil is in small flows in most chunks just above sea level. I'm sure once I figure out the mods I'll be grateful, but for now it just sullies up my crisp clean landscape.

Ore distribution seems decent, as I've found a nice balance of ore for each mod this far. I began my quarrying by hand in the edge of a mountain, and was surprised at how much ore I was able to accumulate prior to reaching bedrock. I hit a cave system which was lined with ores, but it was also full of baddies that I was unprepared to engage fully. I'll arm up and return soon enough.

Something I always look for in a new pack is a way to move spawners. I saw earlier in this thread that the Mek Cardboard Box can move chests. Does it work with spawners (and other things like TC Nodes)?
No clue about the spawners (but I do know you can make new ones with Soul Shards). The Oil problems should be resolved with worlds generated in 1.0.2 - it's a workaround, but it'll do.
I don't know if this is a bug or not, but Blights from Difficult Life are not showing up on JourneyMaps radar. Blights appear to be vanilla mobs that get upgraded randomly when they spawn. I would chalk this up to the fact that they are invisible (though the armor they wear is visible and they are wreathed in flame), but I have seen invisible mobs from other mods showing on the radar in different modpacks (like some AoA mobs in Departed).
I have a feeling that's intended.

Have fun! :P
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