FTB Horizons - Applied Energistics Power Source


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If you mean the creation of lava source blocks, no. Your best bet for a constant lava supply is an ender-thermic pump from Extra Utils (that's in Horizons I think...), and T3's tessaracts to transport it from the Nether.

Don't really know a whole lot about those or TE in general...never really used it until now, but I'll look into all of that afterwards, thanks.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In general, water is the only liquid that can be infinitely made via the 2x2 trick.

I suggest you really learn about TE. I'm fairly surprised you knew about AE before TE lol, as it's such a common mod now.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
In general, water is the only liquid that can be infinitely made via the 2x2 trick.

I suggest you really learn about TE. I'm fairly surprised you knew about AE before TE lol, as it's such a common mod now.

Yeah I pretty much replaced TE with other mods, I know the ins and outs of AE so it should be pretty smooth sailing to set everything up now and learn about the other mods in this pack. Should be pretty easy now since I'll be able to set up automatic crafting and storage given that other mods are compatible.

Edit: Actually now that I think of it...were electrical engines a part of this mod before? I used to use those a lot as well as nuclear reactors (infinite energy builds - not apart of TE I know) or solar panels, etc. Hmm, ok it turns out I did use this mod before but they really removed and change stuff in it. =o
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Electric Engines (those that takes in EU and output MJ) is from Forestry, which is a BuildCraft addon, if I'm not mistaken.
Lava production can be done by couple of mods in couple of ways, all of them takes tremendous amount of power though and thus if you are wanting it for power loop, it is not going to work,except one way, unsure if it is nerfed or not.

If you got access to a vanilla blaze spawner and made a farm out of it, the Blaze Rods can be send to the Magma Crucible to be melted down into lava. But I'm unsure if the method is power positive or not. It was power positive back in Ultimate (or was it Unleashed 1.1.3?).

If you're not using lava for power, there is two ways (that I know of, might have more ways) to generate lava (not pumping it from elsewhere).

1.) Thermal Expansion 3's Magma Crucible. Melt cobblestones into lava. Takes power.
2.) MineFactory Reloaded's Lava Fabricator. Generates lava by consuming power.

I use the 1st method mainly for on demand obsidian making. 2nd method is when I have access to unlimited power in late games, just because. :p

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Electric Engines (those that takes in EU and output MJ) is from Forestry, which is a BuildCraft addon, if I'm not mistaken.
Lava production can be done by couple of mods in couple of ways, all of them takes tremendous amount of power though and thus if you are wanting it for power loop, it is not going to work,except one way, unsure if it is nerfed or not.

If you got access to a vanilla blaze spawner and made a farm out of it, the Blaze Rods can be send to the Magma Crucible to be melted down into lava. But I'm unsure if the method is power positive or not. It was power positive back in Ultimate (or was it Unleashed 1.1.3?).

If you're not using lava for power, there is two ways (that I know of, might have more ways) to generate lava (not pumping it from elsewhere).

1.) Thermal Expansion 3's Magma Crucible. Melt cobblestones into lava. Takes power.
2.) MineFactory Reloaded's Lava Fabricator. Generates lava by consuming power.

I use the 1st method mainly for on demand obsidian making. 2nd method is when I have access to unlimited power in late games, just because. :p

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You can also make lava with Blood Magic, but I wouldn't recommend it until you have a good passive way to generate LP


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Electric Engines (those that takes in EU and output MJ) is from Forestry, which is a BuildCraft addon, if I'm not mistaken.
Lava production can be done by couple of mods in couple of ways, all of them takes tremendous amount of power though and thus if you are wanting it for power loop, it is not going to work,except one way, unsure if it is nerfed or not.

If you got access to a vanilla blaze spawner and made a farm out of it, the Blaze Rods can be send to the Magma Crucible to be melted down into lava. But I'm unsure if the method is power positive or not. It was power positive back in Ultimate (or was it Unleashed 1.1.3?).

If you're not using lava for power, there is two ways (that I know of, might have more ways) to generate lava (not pumping it from elsewhere).

1.) Thermal Expansion 3's Magma Crucible. Melt cobblestones into lava. Takes power.
2.) MineFactory Reloaded's Lava Fabricator. Generates lava by consuming power.

I use the 1st method mainly for on demand obsidian making. 2nd method is when I have access to unlimited power in late games, just because. :p

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since this is horizons, rotarycraft has its lava-gen method.
im saddened to see few people mentioning this mod.

and I believe AE can use shaft power directly.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Beh...Hydroelectric generators from Engineers Toolbox, sure they need to be in a river biome between y 64 and y 40something, but you can chain them together...this is what is power my entire base soon. They transmit a decent amount of power.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
uhh infinite water can be made with a 3x1 block set up place 1 bucket on one end and the other on the other end this way you dont have a bigger infinite water source lava huh... well if you are using magmatic dynamos then yes youd need a lot of lava... via magma crucible... but I would suggest you use steam dynamos or compression dynamos if you have a stable source of renewable fuel... (liquified charcoal [acquired via melting pulverized charcoal with the magma crucible]) if horizons has thaumcraft, MFR or stevecarts its essential to have a tree farm going, a good tree farm goes a very very long way, as people say steam is the unofficial power source of modpacks


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I've been using is a Hydrokinetic engine from RotaryCraft. 64+ falling distance is plenty to run an AE network. Add engines as needed.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I've been using is a Hydrokinetic engine from RotaryCraft. 64+ falling distance is plenty to run an AE network. Add engines as needed.
How did ypu get it to work? Mind if I request for a screen shot? I have my water fall for 120 blocks but the Hydrokinetic generator doesn't spin at all. :(
I will get a screen shot up asap.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
How did ypu get it to work? Mind if I request for a screen shot? I have my water fall for 120 blocks but the Hydrokinetic generator doesn't spin at all. :(
I will get a screen shot up asap.

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If you're look at the waterfall, you have to place the engines on its right side and the output shaft from the hydrokinetic is facing you. If you place the hydrokinetic on the left side of the waterfall, its output side will be facing away. You may have to rotate the hydrokinetic. However, the default placement will have the output side facing you.

Note the hydrokinetic goes directly adjacent to the water and not in it. Visually, the paddles will be in the waterfall, but the core of the hydrokinetic will be beside it.

Also note that you can serialize up to two(2) hydrokinetics along the same shaft line to drive a single MJ Compressor engine. This requires a 2x1 waterfall. On that same waterfall, you can "stack" hydrokinetic vertically, but they need a gap of at least 1 to allow the paddles to spin freely. The fall height is *not* interrupted by other hydrokinetic.

In a test worl, I got 100's of MJ off a single 2x1 waterfall by spamming hydrokinetics and compressors.

Note you can replace compressors with AE Energy Bridges if you're just driving an AE system.

This screenshot might help:

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks, I'll give it a try later. And MJ Compressor Engine? From RotaryCraft too?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thanks, I'll give it a try later. And MJ Compressor Engine? From RotaryCraft too?

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From RotaryCraft, yes. It converts from RotaryCraft power to MJ power. It's been a couple of months since I've played with RotaryCraft. Reika may have added other convertors since then (such as RF, maybe ?).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What version is your copy of RotaryCraft, just wanna check it against mine. Last I played with mine, there's a lot of items that are in the handbook but not in the nei.

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What version is your copy of RotaryCraft, just wanna check it against mine. Last I played with mine, there's a lot of items that are in the handbook but not in the nei.

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Reika changed rotarycraft around so that many of the cross compatibility machines require specific mods to be installed:


Which is unfortunate, since I have things like MFR, EnderIO, and Factorization in my own mod list, but can't use all those machines.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah....good point. I always have Buildcraft installed, even if I don't use it. Reika may require BC for the Compressor to convert to MJ to be enabled.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I see...so I'll need to include BC in my pack if I want the mj converter :(

Edit: Okay, I'm trying it out now but the wheels aren't turning. =/
Edit2: I fail at reading, I didn't see the line about it requiring lubricants. . .

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ah, if Hydrokinetic generators require lubricant, that's relatively new. I like it, though. It would make the hydrokinetic generators more balanced.