Ugh. I give up. I have read everything I can. I have replaced lwjgl-2.9.1. I have done a CLEAN FTB install. Nothing works to get the list of packages. Read on.
Operating System, bit type: OSX Mavericks 10.9.1 64 Bit
Java version/update, bit type:
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
Launcher version: Just downloaded it: FTB 1.3.4
Completed the troubleshooting guide (y/n): y
Console log, link:
Description of the problem:
OK So I am trying to start from scratch. I have a new directory, and got a new FTB launcher. I have read all about how to get the lwjgl-2.9.1 for Java 7. I got the most recent Java 7 (V51). So I run the FTB Launcher and it comes up. The problem is:
* I cannot get a list of the current packages!
Everything I have read tells me how to patch in the lwjgl-2.9.1 into a particular package (e.g. Direwolf20), but I cannot get the list of packages into a new FTB installation. NONE of the pages about Java 7 on Mac with lwjgl-2.9.1 talks about getting the initial list of mod packages. They all assume you have the list already!
I open FTB with a script in runit.command:
cd /Users/jdsbabcock/Desktop/Minecraft/Apps/FeedTheBeast
java -jar FTB_Launcher.jar -nojvm
(Optional information if issue involves download problems)
Anti-malware software and/or firewall:None
Location you're downloading from (per Launcher's Advanced Options): Chicago
This will give you an idea of what I have in the directory. All the lwjgl files are the lwjgl-2.9.1 version:
$ cd /Users/jdsbabcock/Desktop/Minecraft/Apps/FeedTheBeast
$ find . -print
./Direwolf20/Library/Application Support/minecraft./Direwolf20/minecraft/bin/jinput.jar
Operating System, bit type: OSX Mavericks 10.9.1 64 Bit
Java version/update, bit type:
java version "1.7.0_51"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
Launcher version: Just downloaded it: FTB 1.3.4
Completed the troubleshooting guide (y/n): y
Console log, link:
Description of the problem:
OK So I am trying to start from scratch. I have a new directory, and got a new FTB launcher. I have read all about how to get the lwjgl-2.9.1 for Java 7. I got the most recent Java 7 (V51). So I run the FTB Launcher and it comes up. The problem is:
* I cannot get a list of the current packages!
Everything I have read tells me how to patch in the lwjgl-2.9.1 into a particular package (e.g. Direwolf20), but I cannot get the list of packages into a new FTB installation. NONE of the pages about Java 7 on Mac with lwjgl-2.9.1 talks about getting the initial list of mod packages. They all assume you have the list already!
I open FTB with a script in runit.command:
cd /Users/jdsbabcock/Desktop/Minecraft/Apps/FeedTheBeast
java -jar FTB_Launcher.jar -nojvm
(Optional information if issue involves download problems)
Anti-malware software and/or firewall:None
Location you're downloading from (per Launcher's Advanced Options): Chicago
This will give you an idea of what I have in the directory. All the lwjgl files are the lwjgl-2.9.1 version:
$ cd /Users/jdsbabcock/Desktop/Minecraft/Apps/FeedTheBeast
$ find . -print
./Direwolf20/Library/Application Support/minecraft./Direwolf20/minecraft/bin/jinput.jar