FTB [Direwolf20 1.6.4 1.0.11] MFFS - Insufficient power

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Has anyone managed to create and power a stable MFFS Field?
I use a semi PvP server (not in the overworld everywhere else is free game and unclaimable)
And my enderthermic pump with a small 5x5x5 was running out of power from Magmatic Dynamos and tesseract from my base.

Tested in SSP and it needed 60 Magmatic Dynamo's and it still can't support the field
This is insane amounts of power and machines and resources for a very basic field.

So my question is it possible to keep a MFFS Field on all the time?
How and what are you using?
Preferably without constantly supplying quartz or lapis to the Coercion Derivers.

Attached are some screenshots of the SSP setup.

2014-01-08_19.04.00.png 2014-01-08_19.04.06.png 2014-01-08_19.04.11.png

Even this is STILL not enough power.
120k RF = 1500 magmatic Dynamo's = 16,500 Invar Ingots
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hunter dean

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Man I have been trying for a week to get a field up. I have 10 compressions , 6 magmatics and a boiler with 10 steam dynamos. Not even close to enough I was thinking maybe it is a RF thing. I was going to test with EU


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yes I tried that to and i figured out that it isn´t the amount of power but the tick. I tried to manage that with 2 Mfsu and it will work fine. but now , since the update to 1.0.11 it will not longer accept EU. I´m not able to connect IC2 cables to the Coercion Deriver. Someone else got this Prob? ... and how to fix it?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Yep, I was stumped about this as well. I could not get it to work either, I even cheated in a creative redstone energy cell to test it but no field...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Same deal, spent all morning in creative looking for ANY solution.

Does anyone have a fix for this, or at least an explanation? I'm thinking at this point it's a bug of some sort.

EDIT: I also tried multiple coercion derivers, and only one would transmit. Not one at a time. Just one. Period.
Even throwing charged lapotron crystals into the machine produces errors, as it will power the deriver, but not drain energy from the crystal.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The problem is your pack version. It is a bug with MFFS/UE in this version of the DW20 pack. There is also a bug with the speed upgrades for the coersion derriver basically doing nothing to boost output as well. I havent confirmed it was fixed in the latest version, but I manually updated a while ago and it was working correctly after so I presume the latest version is better (1.0.14)

Also you need to use capictors to transmit power not the derriver. Capacitors move power around wirelessly. You can also pull the fortron out as a fluid using pipes and move it around that way (but slower compared to what the capacitor is capable of).