FTB Departed inventory problems

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
FTB Departed inventory problems
Launcher Version:
FTB Departed
Modpack Version:
Recommended (Presumably 1.0.0?)
Log Link:
Details of the issue:
I'm playing on my own server with some of my friends. We came to notice that the DrCyanos Lootable Bodies mod was quite inconvenient at times (corpses not being where we died, etc) on top of the fact that it doesn't stop Anemias from destroying all the items in your inventory (save for tinker tools) upon death from their projectiles. As a group, we removed Lootable Bodies from all our packs and the server along with the config files for it. We intended to turn keepInventory on afterwards to save our inventories but no matter how many times I enable it on the server, it never seems to actually save our inventories upon death, and they still fall on the ground. Afterwards, I even tried enabling gravestones on the server (of course after sharing my config file with everyone), which also doesn't seem to work. Am I missing a step somewhere? I can't seem to find the problem.
Edit: I changed the configs back to normal and reset the pack and it seems like keepInventory doesn't work in general in FTB Departed.
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Ken Tole

New Member
Jul 29, 2019
i had same problem. /gamerule keepAllInventory true

then turn on corpse decay as they are not needed anymore. no more worries about long trek to a missing or empty corpse. Thats what i did.