Title FTB Continuum - No power from water wheel?
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack FTB Continuum
Modpack version 1.3.1
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue https://imgur.com/a/U8iHOPX
3 wheel setup, kinetic dynamo was placed first.
Yet it still does not generate any RF what so ever. What am I doing wrong?
Launcher Type Twitch Desktop App
Modpack FTB Continuum
Modpack version 1.3.1
Have you modified the pack? No
Link to log file
Details of the issue https://imgur.com/a/U8iHOPX
3 wheel setup, kinetic dynamo was placed first.
Yet it still does not generate any RF what so ever. What am I doing wrong?
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